时间:2021-03-18 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:网络
小提示:您能找到这篇{针对疫情事件而导致海外客户退件的应对方案及}绝对不是偶然,我们能帮您找到潜在客户,解决您的困扰。如果您对本页介绍的针对疫情事件而导致海外客户退件的应对方案及内容感兴趣,有相关需求意向欢迎拨打我们的服务热线,或留言咨询,我们将第一时间联系您! |
原标题:针对疫情事件而导致海外客户退件的应对方案及措施 近几天与很多跨境电商卖家沟通了解到针对疫情事件而导致海外客户退件表示担忧,大家都在看事件的发展状况,阿布哥哥整合些应对海外客户方案参考如下,希望对广大卖家得到帮助。 1. 把官方 WHO 的声明发给客户查阅和咨询,并告知货物从中国运输到收货人签收,至少有 24-48 小时的运输时间,这病毒根本没法生存,况且疫情主要中国武汉,我们政府和全体同胞有能力和信心在短期内控制并恢复,请您放心安全收货。 2. 如下为答复客户参考方案: 1)如客户担忧疫情蔓延,表达信心: China is determined and capable of winning the battle against the coronavirus. We all take it seriously and follow the government's instructions to contain the spread of the virus. The atmosphere around remains optimistic to some extent. The epidemic will be eventually controlled and killed. 中国有决心、有能力战胜这次疫情,我们也都认真对待和配合,按照政府指示,控制病毒传播。在某种程度上,周边氛围保持乐观。这种流行疾病最终会得以控制和消灭的。 2)如有客户受海外社媒谣传: Fake news. Thanks for helping prevent the spread of these rumors if possible. I believe, China's speed, scale and efficiency of response is rarely seen in the world. 不可靠的假消息!如果可以,也请帮忙阻止这类谣言的传播。我相信中国应对此次疫情的速度,规模和效率在世界上都是很少见的。 3) 如有国外客户问及中国发疫情情况,建议回复如下: In fact, the outbreak is not as serious as reported by foreign media, mainly in the wuhan area, ar朋友圈展会邀请e under control. The Chinese government has been taking measures to deal with the spread of the disease. We have the confidence to defeat it! 事实上,疫情并没有外媒报道的那般严重,主要还是发生在武汉地区,都在控制之中。中国政府一直都在采取措施应对疫情的进一步扩散。我们有信心战胜它! 4)物流发货延误,结合实际情况答复客户的几个方案: ① 物流发货延误可告知假期延长缘故,我们复工后尽快给您安排发货,相信货物很快会到您手上,谢谢您的等待! our government announced it will delay resumption oweb快速开发平台f work to February 9.Your understanding and support will be highly appreciated. ② 如复工后,仍不能及时发货,如果已经确定延误: We regret to inform you that the delivery will be delayed due to the novel coronavirus. We'll keep tracking the status and try our best to expedite. Sorry for the inconveniences caused and thanks for your patience. 我们很遗憾通知你货期因疫情会延迟。我们在跟进中,会及时告知进展,同时也在竭尽所能加快进度。对此造成的不便表示歉意,谢谢你的耐心。 ③ 告知物流迟缓原由及对应的解决措施 Hello, thank you very much for your concern!Meanwhile, we regret to inform you that the shipment will be delayed due to the outbreak of the disease. However, don't worry, we will continue to follow up the logistics progress, timely inform you of the delivery of the package. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience and understanding.If you have any other questions, please contact the customer service. Thank you! 您好,非常感谢您对我们的关心!与此同时,我们很遗憾通知你货期因疫情会延迟。不过,别担心,我们会持续跟进物流进度,及时告知你包裹的派件情况。对此造成的不便表示歉意,谢谢您的耐心和理解。如有其他问题,可联系客服,谢谢您。 ④对于供应链产能问题导致延误发货,我们深表歉意并为您免费赠送礼物,相信很快就能运送到您手上,让您久等了。 We apologize for the delay in delivery caused by the supply chain capacity problem and give you a free gift. I believe it will be delivered to you soon and keep you waiting. 3. 跨境电商卖家更重要的是紧密联动供应商沟通恢复产能及到货日期,并与物流商沟通发货运输方式及时效安排,及时解决备货库存及物流时效问题,减少客诉率和退件率,给客户提供更好的服务体验。 ![]() |
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