
时间:2021-03-20 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:网络



仅奖励性广告的转化率即可证明:点击式广告每1000次展示吸引用户安装1次,插页式广告每1000次平均安装3次,奖励性视频广告每1000次获得8次安装。应用了奖励性视频广告的开发商获得了显著的效果,例如,Color Switch(这是2016年最大的热点之一,使用无代码开发工具创建)宣称通过从banner广告和插页式广告转换到奖励性广告,收入提高了40%。

在接受Gamasutra采访时,Rovio执行副总裁Wilhelm Taht回应玩家对《愤怒的小鸟之变形金刚》中的奖励性广告反应时说:“玩家强烈要求加入奖励性广告。”




例如,Supersolid的 《Food Street》直接把广告视频贴在游戏里的广告牌上。


这些广告牌是游戏世界的一部分; 他们很吸引眼球,但不会打断游戏。玩家可以根据情况随时选择进入广告。点击广告之后立刻会收到提供广告奖励的前贴片讯息。 一旦玩家点击了广告就不能停止了:几乎所有的玩家都会从头到尾观看奖励性广告。


除了确保广告符合游戏的外观和风格外,开发商还会考虑广告是否符合游戏的主题和题材。 例如,通过为广告受众按地区进行分层campaign,开发商1Button的游戏《Mr Jump》每天在广告上可赢利2万美元(虽然使用的是插页式广告,不是奖励性广告,但仍然是一个很好的例子)。



游戏中的某些特定时刻会带来最佳的视频广告展示效果, 例如,广告可以在游戏开始时作为一种复活方式进行展示(例如玩家在无尽的跑步者中死亡)或放在商店前面。

NimbleBit的《Tiny Tower》在游戏开始时投放了一个广告。 在短短的10分钟内,可以通过每次观看三到五个奖励性广告来获取20个游戏中的货币“bux”。 通过赋予玩家投资感,早期溢价货币奖励和购买行为可增加留存率,通过观看广告获得奖励也有同样效果。

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最佳广告投放是后贴片广告,玩家可确认观看完广告视频并获取相应奖励。这有助于向玩家说明观看广告与完成任务是一样的。Taht说:“玩家使用奖励性视频发现新游戏,这也是游戏中经济循环的一部分。” 广告不再是侵入性的弹出式窗口和banner,它们也可以是游戏进度中的一部分。

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Rewarded video ads work.

The conversion rates of reward ads alone are proof of point: where banner ads see .1 installs per 1,000 impressions and interstitials average three installs per 1,000, rewarded video ads earn eight installs per 1,000. Developers who integrate rewarded video ads have reported outstanding results. For example, Color Switch (which was one of the biggest hits of 2016, and created with a codeless dev tool), claimed a 40 percent lift in revenue just from switching to rewarded ads from banners and interstitials.

In fact, in an interview with Gamasutra, Rovio executive vice president Wilhelm Taht recounts how players reacted to the removal of rewarded ads from its free-to-play game Angry Birds Transformers: “There was backlash from that community saying ‘give us back our reward videos.'”

Even with an overwhelmingly positive reception, devs utilizing rewarded ad campaigns must plan carefully to get the most bang for their buck—think strategically about when and where to place the ads and how to design them. Here are s央视广告的减肥药ome of the best existing examples of innovative and successful rewarded video ad placements in mobile games.

1. Supersolid makes ads part of the game experience

One of the biggest reasons users dislike ads is because they can disrupt the game (pop-ups and auto-play videos are oft-cited as the most annoying ads for players). Great video ads are far from annoying: they are equal parts compelling and intuitive—matching pre-roll and post-roll creatives with the game’s overall design.

For example, Supersolid’s Food Street intuitively integrates video ads into the game’s UI by posting them on billboards in-game:

These billboards are part of the game world; they’re eye-catching, but don’t interrupt gameplay. Users are free to opt-in when they’re ready. A click prompts a pre-roll message offering ads for rewards. Once they start, they can’t stop: almost all players who begin viewing rewarded ads watch until the end.

2. 1Button targets ads per location and behavior

Besides making sure that ads fit the look and feel of the game, devs can also think about whether the ads match the game’s theme and genre. Serving audiences with tiered campaigns by region helped developer 1Button make $20,000 on ads per day for Mr Jump, for example (though with interstitials, not rewarded, but a great example nonetheless).

Data like player location and device type help devs decide which ads to serve. One of the most common things to advertise to game players is other games—but there are thousands of games to choose from, so it can be helpful to find a platform to automatically show ads for games that have been successful for similar players.

3. NimbleBit times ads perfectly

Certain moments in games lend themselves to optimal rewarded video ad placements. For example, ads can be shown at the start of gameplay as a rescue (for instance if the player died in an endless runner) or in a storefront.

NimbleBit’s Tiny Tower features an ad at the start of gameplay品牌舆情处置. In the short span of 10 minutes, the game can serve as many as three to five rewarded ads for 20 “bux” per view in in-game currency. Early premium currency rewards and purchases increase retention by giving players a feeling of investment, and rewards earned via ads can do the same.

Other games time ads at choke points, keeping users playing longer to improve monetization: either an ad is watched, or an in-app purchase is made. The key to these placements is offering meaningful rewards that will help the player progress through the game, and not just a random amount of premium currency. Experiment with different numbers for hourly and daily caps for maximum result.

4. Rovio gives player the post-roll experience

The best ad placements display a post-roll creative confirming the view and reward. This feedback helps drive the point home for players that ads are the same as completing a task or a quest. “Players use reward videos to discover new games but also as a part of their economy loop within the game,” Taht says. Ads are no longer intrusive pop-ups and out-of-place banners; they can be a natural part of a game’s progression system.

With careful optimization, rewarded ads not only monetize well, but also increase retention and engagement. And as more games adopt ads and find what works well, the possibilities are ever-growing, with some developers even raising money for ad-危机公关无印良品based business models.

外文原文作者:Chris Morrison


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