时间:2021-03-20 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:网络
小提示:您能找到这篇{欧盟跨国公司新法:谷歌,亚马逊和Facebook恐面临}绝对不是偶然,我们能帮您找到潜在客户,解决您的困扰。如果您对本页介绍的欧盟跨国公司新法:谷歌,亚马逊和Facebook恐面临内容感兴趣,有相关需求意向欢迎拨打我们的服务热线,或留言咨询,我们将第一时间联系您! |
Google, Facebook and Amazon could be forced to publish their revenue and taxes paid, under a new law drafted by the EU. 在新起草的欧盟法律框架下,谷歌,脸谱和亚马逊恐怕要被强制披露收益和税费。 The proposed law, to be drawn up this year, would force every large company which operates within the EU to reveal its profits and taxes. 该拟议法律与本年度草拟,将强制要求在欧盟运营的大公司披露它的收益和税费。 The European Commission is to table the legislation with the aim of making the world’s largest multinational corporations operate to full public scrutiny. 欧盟委员会的立法,旨在使全球最大的跨国公司在公众监督下运行。 Officials from the EU told the Guardian that the idea would be to make taxation rules apply to the world’s biggest conglomerates - including those fr怎么代运营一个网店om the US. 欧盟官员告诉《观察者》,这一想法将使得税法在全球最大的综合性企业中适用,包括来自美国的企业。 Eurocrats ‘are currently finalising the impact assessment work’, a source told the newspaper. 某消息源告诉报纸,欧共体官员正在对影响评估工作收尾。 ‘It’s likely there will be some form of legislative initiative announced for the beginning of April … for public country-by-country reporting’. “四月初,通过国家报告的形式,有望宣布一些立法创制形式。” Another EU source said: ‘It will likely target the large multinationals, all multinationals and not just EU ones. 另外一个欧盟消息称:“这一规定主要针对所有大型跨国企业,而不仅仅是欧盟企业。” ‘The impact assessment had “really swayed opinion” inside the commission in favour of public reporting.’ “在委员会内部,支持公开报道影响评估结果的呼声还摇摆不定。” Last month, the Government was accused of agreeing a ‘derisory’ 130m pounds tax deal with Google, which has made 6bn pounds in profit in the UK in the last ten years. 上个月,政府被控告接受谷歌一亿三千万英镑的税收,这一行为可笑至极,谷歌过去十年在英国盈利六十亿英镑。 The company, and other large coporations like it, notoriously funnel their international sales推广软文平台的 via Dublin to benefit from Ireland’s lower tax rate. 众所周知,像谷歌这样的大公司,利用爱尔兰的低税率,在都柏林进行逐步国际销售。 The new draft, to be presented in April, requires the agreement of all 28 governments.However, EU sources said the new rules could come into effect passed by a majority湖北电视台广告电话 vote, or 16 of the 28 countries. 四月出台的新草案,需要获得28个国家的批准。然而,欧盟消息称,如果28个国家中有超过16个支持该规则,新规则便能生效。 ![]() |
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