时间:2021-07-15 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:cum43546网络
小提示:您能找到这篇{如何将多个子Reddit与多个Reddit合并}绝对不是偶然,我们能帮您找到潜在客户,解决您的困扰。如果您对本页介绍的如何将多个子Reddit与多个Reddit合并内容感兴趣,有相关需求意向欢迎拨打我们的服务热线,或留言咨询,我们将第一时间联系您! |
< ">The Reddit desktop website in a web browser on a computer. < font-size: 16px;">chrisdorney/Shutterstock.com chrisdorney / Shutterstock.com < font-size: 16px;">If you’re subscribed to a lot of communities on Reddits, some of the content you want to see may get lost in the mix. For easier browsing, you can make your own “multireddit” that combines posts from multiple subreddits into one feed. < font-size: 16px;">如果您在Reddits上订阅了很多社区,则您想看到的某些内容可能会丢失。 为了更轻松地浏览,您可以制作自己的“ multireddit”,将来自多个子reddit的帖子组合到一个提要中。 < font-size: 16px;">什么是多重信誉? (What Are Multireddits?) < font-size: 16px;">At first glance, the front page of Reddit can be a little bit overwhelming to scroll through—especially if you’re part of a lot of random subreddits. For example, you might be seeing important breaking news in between memes and funny pictures of cats, which may not be the ideal reading experience. It’s also hard to filter down the types of posts you want to see unless you go to a specific subreddit. However, there are a lot of subreddits that have similar types of content. < font-size: 16px;">乍一看,Reddit的首页可能有些不知所措,尤其是如果您属于大量随机subreddits时,尤其如此。 例如,您可能会在模因和猫的有趣图片之间看到重要的突发新闻,这可能不是理想的阅读体验。 除非您转到特定的subreddit,否则也很难筛选出要查看的帖子类型。 但是,有很多子内容具有相似的内容类型。 < font-size: 16px;">Multireddits, or “multis,” is a feature that allows Redditors to combine multiple subreddits into one page for easy reading. It works very similarly to how RSS news aggregators work. For example, if you want to browse the headlines of the day aggregated from multiple subreddits with different kinds of news, you can make a multireddit that combines r/News, r/WorldNews, r/Technology, r/Sports, and r/Entertainment. < font-size: 16px;">多重reddit或“多重”是一项功能,它使Redditor可以将多个子reddit合并为一页,以便于阅读。 它的工作方式与RSS新闻聚合器的工作方式非常相似。 例如,如果要浏览具有不同新闻的多个子reddit汇总的当天标题,则可以制作一个将r / News,r / WorldNews,r / Technology,r / Sports和r / Entertainment组合在一起的multireddit。 。 < font-size: 16px;">Multireddits are also a great way to sort your favorite feeds into groups of similar subreddits. Instead of going into subreddits one by one, you’ll see the newest and most upvoted posts from all of them. Multireddits are also a good way to see posts from subs that you’re not subscribed to. < font-size: 16px;">多重reddit也是将您喜欢的提要分类为相似子reddit组的好方法。 无需一一研讨,您将看到所有文章中最新,最受好评的帖子。 Multireddits也是查看未订阅订阅中帖子的一种好方法。 < font-size: 16px;">进行多重reddit (Making a Multireddit) < font-size: 16px;">To make a multireddit, you need to be using the old version of the Reddit website. To do this, go to User Settings > Account, and toggle “Opt Out Of The Redesign,” which will make the old version the default. You can also access old Reddit at old.reddit.com. < font-size: 16px;">要进行multireddit,您需要使用旧版本的Reddit网站。 为此,请转到用户设置>帐户,然后切换“选择退出重新设计”,这将使旧版本成为默认版本。 您也可以通过old.reddit.com访问旧Reddit。 < font-size: 16px;">Update: You can also create “custom feeds” in the new Reddit interface. This is the new name for multireddits. < font-size: 16px;">更新:您还可以在新的Reddit界面中创建“自定义提要”。 这是multireddits的新名称。 < font-size: 16px;"> < font-size: 16px;">On the left side of your home page, there will be an expanding menu where you’ll see a list of default multireddits you’re subscribed to. Click “Create” and type in the preferred name for your multi. For this example, w快手直播推广e’ll call our multi “Technology.” You’ll be redirected to your multi’s page. From here, you can set the multi to public or private visibility. < font-size: 16px;">在首页的左侧,将出现一个扩展菜单,您将在其中看到已预订的默认多重reddits列表。 单击“创建”,然后为您的多重名称输入首选名称。 在此示例中,我们将其称为“技术”。 您将被重定向海外数据中心高防到您的多重页面。 在这里,您可以将多重显示设置为公开或私有可见性。 < font-size: 16px;"> < font-size: 16px;">Then, you can type in which subreddits will go in it. Simply type in the name of the subreddit in the text box and click the “+” button to add it to your multi. In the following example, you’ll see we added r/Apple, r/Android, r/Technology, and r/PCMasterRace to our multi. They will immediately be visible on the page when you add them. < font-size: 16px;">然后,您可以输入要放入其中的子reddit。 只需在文本框中输入subreddit的名称,然后单击“ +”按钮将其添加到您的多重中。 在下面的示例中,您将看到我们将r / Apple,r / Android,r / Technology和r / PCMasterRace添加到了我们的多重对象中。 添加它们后,它们将立即在页面上可见。 < font-size: 16px;"> < font-size: 16px;">There’s another way to make a multi without having to use the old version of Reddit. A subreddit’s normal URL follows the format is “reddit.com/r/” followed by the name of the sub. You can combine multiple subs into a link for a multireddit by adding “+” between every subreddit name. For example, “reddit.com/r/news+worldnews” will lead you to a multi with both r/News and r/WorldNews. < font-size: 16px;">还有一种无需使用旧版本的Reddit即可进行多重制作的方法。 subreddit的常规URL遵循以下格式:“ reddit.com/r/”,其后为子名称。 您可以通过在每个子redditit名称之间添加“ +”,将多个子项组合成一个multireddit链接。 例如,“ reddit.com/r/news+worldnews”将带您同时拥有r / News和r / WorldNews。 < font-size: 16px;"> < font-size: 16px;">However, this way of making a multi does not allow you to give it a custom name. There’s also no way to access it directly from your Reddit home page, so you’ll need to bookmark the link to access it later on. < font-size: 16px;">但是,这种制作多重形式的方法不允许您给它自定义名称。 另外,也无法直接从Reddit主页访问它,因此您需要将链接添加书签,以便以后使用。 < font-size: 16px;">添加其他Multireddit (Adding Other Multireddits) < font-size: 16px;">Like subreddits, you can also add Multireddits that other users make and have left publicly accessible. They will appear in your left sidebar in old Reddit, and you can customize them just like the ones that you made yourself. < font-size: 16px;">像subreddits一样,您也可以添加其他用户制作并允许公众访问的Multireddits。 它们将出现在旧Reddit的左侧边栏中,您可以像自己制作的一样自定义它们。 < font-size: 16px;"> < font-size: 16px;">If you’re on old Reddit, to follow one, go to the multireddit owner’s profile page. On the left side, you’ll see a box that says, “Public Multireddits.” When you access one of these, click “Make A Copy,” then you can browse through or customize that multireddit as much as you see fit. You can also read the multireddit straight from the user’s profile. < font-size: 16px;">如果您使用的是旧版Reddit,请按照以下步骤操作:转到multireddit所有者的个人资料页面。 在左侧,您会看到一个框,上面写着“ Public Multireddits”。 当您访问其中之一时,单击“制作副本”,然后您就可以浏览或自定义该多重reddit。 您也可以直接从用户的个人资料中读取multireddit。 < font-size: 16px;">You can also share your multis with others in the same way. As long as a multireddit you’ve made is public, other people can make their copies of it and have it appear on their left sidebar. < font-size: 16px;">您也可以用相同的方式与他人分享您的多重曲目。 只要您制作的多重提示是公开的,其他人就可以制作其副本并将其显示在左侧栏中。 < font-size: 16px;">使用Multireddits的好方法 (Great Ways to Use Multireddits) < font-size: 16px;">One of the best things about multireddits is that you can browse the content you want without overwhelming your subscription list. For example, there are thousands of subreddits dedicated to cats. Therefore, a cat-loving Reddit user has made several multireddits that aggregate many of the best ones, so you’ll have an unlimited stream of feline photos without having 100 cat-related subreddits cluttering your home feed. < font-size: 16px;">关于multireddits的最好的事情之一是,您可以浏览所需的内容,而不会压倒订阅列表。 例如,有成千上万只专门用于猫的分类表。 因此,喜欢猫的Reddit用户已进行了多次汇总,汇总了许多最佳的Reddit,因此您将获得无限量的猫照片,而不会出现100条与猫有关的子索引,从而使您的家庭供稿混乱。 < font-size: 16px;"> < font-size: 16px;">u/frubbliness / Reddit u /草率/ Reddit < font-size: 16px;">Like we mentioned earlier, this is also an excellent way to browse the news in a specific niche. For example, the most active sports subs are only focused on a single sport. For example, if you’re a fan of multiple sports and you want to see coverage on all of them, you may wish to combine r/NBA, r/NFL, and r/hockey into one feed. < font-size: 16px;">就像我们前面提到的,这也是在特定细分市场中浏览新闻的绝佳方法。 例如,最活跃的运动子项仅专注于一项运动。 例如,如果您是多项运动的狂热爱好者,并且希望了解所有运动的覆盖范围,则不妨将r / NBA,r / NFL和r /曲棍球合并到一个供稿中。 < font-size: 16px;">翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/670169/how-to-create-multireddits-to-combine-multiple-subreddits/ ![]() |
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