时间:2021-07-15 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:culi3182网络
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< ">广告归因 < font-size: 16px;">This article was created in partnership with StudioWorks.Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible. < font-size: 16px;">本文是与StudioWorks合作创建的。感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。 < font-size: 16px;">Optimizing the user experience of your app is crucial for its success,and the best way to do so is by collecting data on how users interact with it.While regular analytic tools do a good job,there’s an even better way now. < font-size: 16px;">优化应用程序的用户体验是其成功的关键,而最好的方法是收集有关用户与应用程序交互方式的数据。尽管常规分析工具可以很好地完成工作,但现在有更好的方法。 < font-size: 16px;">Welcome to mobile attribution.This approach to measuring app performance allows you to discover where and how users are interacting with your app and connect them with key points in the app journey. < font-size: 16px;">欢迎使用移动归因。这种评估应用程序性能的方法使您可以发现用户在何处以及如何与您的应用程序进行交互,并将他们与应用程序旅程中的关键点联系起来。 < font-size: 16px;">But what exactly is mobile attribution and how do you use it?Keep reading to learn. < font-size: 16px;">但是,移动2019麦当劳危机公关活归因究竟是什么?如何使用它?继续阅读学习。 < font-size: 16px;">移动归因说明(Mobile Attribution Explained) < font-size: 16px;">Mobile attribution is the process of measuring two metrics,such as ad spend and app installs.Given that the mobile advertising industry will exceed$244 billion by 2020,you need to know which strategies and channels are wasting your money or generating the most returns. < font-size: 16px;">移动归因是衡量两个指标的过程,例如广告支出和应用安装量。鉴于到2020年移动广告行业将超过2440亿美元,您需要知道哪些策略和渠道在浪费您的钱或产生最多的回报。 < font-size: 16px;">Mobile attribution also helps mobile app developers and companies determine how users are interacting with apps and mobile ads.This information can then be used to optimize marketing campaigns,the user experience of an app,and more. < font-size: 16px;">移动归因还可以帮助移动应用程序开发人员和公司确定用户如何与应用程序和移动广告进行交互。然后,此信息可用于优化营销活动,应用程序的用户体验等。 < font-size: 16px;">In a nutshell,the process looks like this: < font-size: 16px;">简而言之,该过程如下所示: < font-size: 16px;"> < font-size: 16px;">How mobile attribution works:user clicks ad;user ID saved to network;user installs app;user opens app;attribution SKD launches;attribution tool collects dataHow mobile attribution works移动归因的工作原理 < font-size: 16px;">Not taking advantage of mobile attribution means that you won’t have the most detailed and accurate data on your mobile app and its advertising performance.This can result in missing opportunities when they arise,or discovering problems too late. < font-size: 16px;">不利用移动归因意味着您将无法获得有关移动应用及其广告效果的最详尽,最准确的数据。当机会出现时,这可能会导致机会丢失,或者发现问题为时已晚。 < font-size: 16px;"> < font-size: 16px;">Appsflyer:people-based attribution.One view of all devices,platforms and channelsAppsflyer is a market leader in ad attribution and analytics with their proprietary“People-based Attribution”technology Appsflyer凭借其专有的“基于人的归因”技术,是广告归因和分析领域的市场领导者 < font-size: 16px;">Next,let’s talk more about why you should be using mobile attribution. < font-size: 16px;">接下来,让我们更多地讨论为什么要使用移动归因。 < font-size: 16px;">移动归因的好处(The Benefits of Mobile Attribution) < font-size: 16px;">These are some of the main benefits you will experience by taking advantage of mobile attribution. < font-size: 16px;">这些是您可以利用移动设备归因带来的一些主要好处。 < font-size: 16px;">跟踪用户事件以优化您的应用(Track user events to optimize your app) < font-size: 16px;">You will be able to track every little detail of how users interact with mobile ad campaigns in your app.This includes where they found your app originally,which pages they navigate to,and what features they interact with the most. < font-size: 16px;">您将能够跟踪用户如何与您的应用程序中的移动广告系列进行交互的每一个细节。这包括他们最初在哪里找到您的应用,他们浏览到哪些页面以及与他们互动最多的功能。 < font-size: 16px;">This information is priceless.It’s telling you exactly what pages and features users enjoy the most,which channels drive the most traffic,and what campaigns are generating the most results for your app. < font-size: 16px;">这些信息是无价的。它告诉您用户最喜欢哪些页面和功能,哪些渠道吸引最多的流量以及哪些广告系列为您的应用带来了最多的结果。 < font-size: 16px;">You can then invest more capital into profitable channels,push favorite features to the forefront,and improve how every user engages with your application. < font-size: 16px;">然后,您可以将更多的资金投入到有利可图的渠道中,将最喜欢的功能推到最前沿,并改善每个用户与您的应用程序的互动方式。 < font-size: 16px;">减少广告支出并改善广告系列效果(Reduce ad spend and improve campaign performance) < font-size: 16px;">Imagine being able to quickly discover which ad campaigns and channels are and aren’t driving results.You could cut the losers and invest more into the winners.That’s possible thanks to mobile attribution techniques. < font-size: 16px;">想象一下,能够Swift发现哪些广告系列和哪些渠道在推动和不推动结果。您可以削减失败者,并向胜利者投资更多。这归功于移动归因技术。 < font-size: 16px;">Mobile attribution will present you with data on which advertisements,campaigns,and individual networks drive the most traffic,installs,and conversions to your app. < font-size: 16px;">移动归因将为您提供有关哪些广告,广告系列和各个网络为您的应用带来最多流量,安装和转化的数据。 < font-size: 16px;">Many companies throw incredible amounts of money into poor performing campaigns and channels because they don’t have the data that mobile attribution can provide.Don’t be one of them. < font-size: 16px;">许多公司将大量资金投入效果欠佳的广告活动和渠道,因为他们没有移动归因可以提供的数据。不要成为其中之一。 < font-size: 16px;">如何使用移动归因(How to Use Mobile Attribution) < font-size: 16px;">Mobi网站建设费用多少le attribution is great and all,but how do you actually do it? < font-size: 16px;">移动归因非常重要,但是您实际上是如何做到的呢? < font-size: 16px;">The first way is to use mobile app deep linking.This can be used to collect data on how users interact with your app.Deep linking is also capable of increasing installations and brand awareness. < font-size: 16px;">第一种方法是使用移动应用程序深层链接。这可用于收集有关用户如何与您的应用进行交互的数据。深层链接还可以提高安装量和品牌知名度。 < font-size: 16px;">Deep linking is available for both iOS and Android devices.By adding specific lines of code to a mobile app,developers are able to push users to the app store to download their app if they don’t have it and then forward them to the intended location. < font-size: 16px;">深度链接可用于iOS和Android设备。通过将特定的代码行添加到移动应用程序,开发人员可以将用户推送到应用程序商店以下载他们没有的应用程序,然后将其转发到预期的位置。 < font-size: 16px;"> < font-size: 16px;">Mobile app deep linking example:user clicks mobile deep link from search results;user forwarded to appropriate app store;app opens on intended pageMobile app deep linking example移动应用深层链接示例 < font-size: 16px;">Deep links,as the name suggests,link to deeper features within an app versus the welcome screen.This saves users time and allows them to get to where they want to be faster. < font-size: 16px;">深层链接,顾名思义,链接到更深层次的功能的应用程序与欢迎屏幕内。这样可以节省用户时间,并使他们能够到达想要更快的位置。 < font-size: 16px;">You can follow the official Android and Apple documentation to learn how to add deep links into your app to begin reaping the benefits of mobile attribution. < font-size: 16px;">您可以按照Android和Apple官方文档学习如何在应用中添加深层链接,以开始从移动归因中受益。 < font-size: 16px;">Additionally,companies can invest in mobile attribution services.These give you all the tools and dashboards you need to collect deep analytics on your userbase and app. < font-size: 16px;">此外,公司可以投资于移动归因服务。这些工具为您提供了收集用户库和应用程序上的深入分析所需的所有工具和仪表板。 < font-size: 16px;">结论(Conclusion) < font-size: 16px;">Mobile attribution allows developers to bridge the gap between users and apps to collect critical information.This data can then be used to optimize the user experience,ads,and marketing campaigns. < font-size: 16px;">移动归因允许开发人员弥合用户和应用程序之间的鸿沟,以收集关键信息。然后,可以使用此数据来优化用户体验,广告和市场营销活动。 < font-size: 16px;">You can start using mobile attribution today by enabling deep links within your or app or investing in attribution services that do most of the heavy lifting on your behalf. < font-size: 16px;">您现在可以通过在您的应用或应用中启用深层链接或投资于代表您承担大部分繁重工作的归因服务来开始使用移动归因。 < font-size: 16px;">What’s your experience so far with mobile attribution? < font-size: 16px;">到目前为止,您对移动归因有何经验? < font-size: 16px;">翻译自:https://www.sitepoint.com/mobile-attribution-101/ ![]() |
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