时间:2021-07-15 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:跨境电商干货小屋网络
小提示:您能找到这篇{物流价格上涨,速卖通物流模板怎么调整?日常}绝对不是偶然,我们能帮您找到潜在客户,解决您的困扰。如果您对本页介绍的物流价格上涨,速卖通物流模板怎么调整?日常内容感兴趣,有相关需求意向欢迎拨打我们的服务热线,或留言咨询,我们将第一时间联系您! |
< font-size: 16px;"> < font-size: 16px;">速卖通日常客服工作有哪些? < font-size: 16px;">1、负责及时准确回复和处理客户的邮件咨询或问题反馈; < font-size: 16px;">2、妥善处理客户投诉与纠纷,提高账户好评率,保持账号良好运行状态; < font-size: 16px;">3、及时准确对客户提出的产品问题进行质量反馈,并定期整理统计分析; < font-size: 16px;">4、定期整理统计店铺的相关数据,制定提升客户满意度计划。 < font-size: 16px;">客户服务工作相对简单但也很复杂,因为aliexpress客户服务的日常工作是接待客户,用电脑与客户聊天,与客户进行交易,完成一些订单安排和其他相关事宜,还可以用电脑工作。这肯定不同于身体疲劳,而且相对容易。 < font-size: 16px;">常用话术: < font-size: 16px;">1、当买家光顾你店铺,询问产品信息时: < font-size: 16px;">重点:跟买家初次打招呼,要亲切、自然并表示出你的热情。尽量在初步沟通时把产品元素介绍清楚: < font-size: 16px;">Hello,my dear friend.Thank you for your visiting to mystore,you can find the products you need from my store.If there are not whatyou need,you can tell us,and we can help you to find the source,please feelfree to buy anything!Thanks again. < font-size: 16px;">译:你好,我亲爱的朋友。感谢您光临我的商店,您可以在我的商店里找到您需要的产品。如果没有您需要的,您可以告诉我们,我们可以帮您找到货源,请随时购买!再次感谢 < font-size: 16px;">2、鼓励买家提高定单金额和定单数量,提醒买家尽快确认定单时: < font-size: 16px;">Thank you for your patronage,if you confirm the order assoon as possible,I will send some gifts.A good news:Recently there are a lotof activities in our store.If the value of goods you buy count to a certainamount,we will give you a satisfied discount. < font-size: 16px;">译:感谢您的惠顾,如果您能尽快确认订单,我将送您一些礼物。好消息:最近我们商店里有很多活动。如果你所购商品的价值达到一定的数量,我们会给你一个满意的折扣。 < font-size: 16px;">3、交易进行中,通知买家去参看物流情况时: < font-size: 16px;">The goods you need had been sent to you.It's on the way now.Please payattention to the delivery and sign as soon as possible.If you have anyquestions,please feel free to contact me. < font-size: 16px;">译:你需要的货物已经寄给你了。已经在路上了。请注意发货,并尽快签字。如果您有任何问题,请随时与我联系。 < font-size: 16px;">4、当完成交易,您表示感谢,并希望他下次能够再次回购: < font-size: 16px;">Thank you for your purchase,I have prepared you somegifts,which will be sent to you along with the goods.Sincerely hope you likeit.I'll give you a discount,if you like to purchase another products. < font-size: 16px;">译:感谢您的购买,我已经准备了一些礼物,这将与货物一起送给您。真心希望你喜欢。如果您想购买其他产品,我可以给您打折。 < font-size: 16px;">买家纠纷咨询问题常用话术: < font-size: 16px;">1、(尺码错误)--客户自己测量了尺寸发现与网站上描述的不同: < font-size: 16px;">I see you bought a jacket in our store,and open thedispute,you measured the bust and say it's wrong in the website.I think maybethe tailor gave us the wrong size information. < font-size: 16px;">could you cancel the dispute?I want to know if you canwear it or not,if you can't wear it,is there any body could wear it,like yourcolleagues,friends or brothers.if you can sell to them,I will give you somediscounts about the jacket,and you can buy again.what do you think?could youaccept it? < font-size: 16px;">因为有时候我们是代销的产品,并没办法拿到实际的样品进行测量,主要是问他能不能穿,不能穿可以给他朋友或者同事,然后引导他再买一次,给他些折扣。 < font-size: 16px;">2、(货物在途中)--单号一直停留在某处没有动: < font-size: 16px;">you open the dispute because the package is still on theroad,I think you also know we actually sent it out by express,just the speed ofexpress is very slow this period,I got other customer'message the same as yoursituation,we could extend time for you until you get the package,and let'stogether follow the tracking number,if I have any new information,i'll let you knowat the first time. < font-size: 16px;">邮政的速度大家有目共睹,有时堵起来2个月都卡着不动,这种情况主动提出延长收货时间,跟他一起关注物流信息。 < font-size: 16px;">3、(无法查询单号)--单号刚填上去就说查不到信息: < font-size: 16px;">you open the disputebecause you can't check any information of the tracking number.I checked itthis morning and see it has already arrived in Orenbury,the customs clearance iscompleted,i think you can get it soon.could you cancel the dispute?because thetime of dispute is only 3 days,it really has a bad 网站怎么推广affection to our store,we'llappreciate it and grateful for you. < font-size: 16px;">很多时候都是我们刚填上单号顾客就开始查,查不到信息就提纠纷,这种情况就是把自己的查询结果告诉给他。 < font-size: 16px;">疫情导致国际运费大幅上涨,如何稳定店铺盈利? < font-size: 16px;">受疫情影响,航空公司大规模停飞,国际运费大幅上涨,目的地国的终端交付服务能力受到不同程度的影响,线上线下物流运营成本也持续上升(目前不同国家的运费上涨约30-50%)。运费可能会继续飙升,直到外国的疫情得到控制web网站开发平台。 < font-size: 16px;">这使得已经赚取微薄利润的跨境卖家更难以更高的价格出售产品。即使交付了单个订单,客户也可能无法收到货物,从而导致“现金货物”为空的风险,这也增加了商店运营的风险。 < font-size: 16px;">我们只能选择牺牲利润,甚至“含泪”赔钱来消化自己,这绝不是一个长期的解决办法。 < font-size: 16px;">那么该如何调整店铺运营策略,实现稳定盈利呢? < font-size: 16px;">1、调整运费模板:加收物流费用,让买家承担上涨的运费; < font-size: 16px;">2、提高产品售价:降低产品折扣,如原30%折扣调整为15%折扣等;降低营销力度,如满件折、优惠券,优惠码,联盟营销等(不能直接修改产品价格,影响权重) < font-size: 16px;">3、选择线上物流较有保障:如AliExpress无忧,菜鸟超级经济GLOBAL等,减少买家收不到包裹的风险。 < font-size: 16px;">4、提升店铺运营技能:争取更多订单,毕竟有单才可能有利润。 ![]() |
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