时间:2021-07-15 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:世界播网络
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< font-size: 16px;"> < ">If you're a heavy Reddit user,Reddit Premium might be for you. < font-size: 16px;">如果你是Reddit的忠实用户,Reddit Premium可能适合你 < font-size: 16px;">1、Reddit Premium is a paid subscription service for Reddit that costs$5.99 per month. < font-size: 16px;">1Reddit Premium是、的付费订阅服务,每月收费5。99美元。 < font-size: 16px;">2、A Reddit Premium subscription hides all advertisements on the site,and gives you access to an exclusive subreddit called r/lounge. < font-size: 16px;">2、高级Reddit订阅会隐藏网站上的所有广告,并允许您访问名为r/lounge的专有子Reddit。 < font-size: 16px;">3、A Reddit Premium subscription also gives you 700"Coins"per month,which can be gifted to other users as a reward for posting comments that you like. < font-size: 16px;">3、A Reddit Premium订阅每月还会给你700枚“硬币”,这些硬币可以赠送给其他用户,作为对发表你喜欢的评论的奖励。 < font-size: 16px;">4、Reddit Premium used to be known as Reddit Gold,but was renamed in 2018. < font-size: 16px;">4、Reddit Premium曾被称为Reddit Gold,但在2018年更名。 < font-size: 16px;">Reddit,the self-described"front page of the internet,"features a smorgasbord of more than 100,000 active community forums. < font-size: 16px;">自称“互联网头版”的Reddit,提供了10万多个活跃的社区论坛的大杂烩。 < font-size: 16px;">If you find yourself unable to tear yourself away from the site,you might just be due for a VIP upgrade. < font-size: 16px;">如果你发现自己无法离开网站,你可能就该升级VIP了。 < font-size: 16px;">For a fee of$5.99 per month,you can sign up for Reddit Premium,a subscription service that can enhance your Reddit experience. < font-size: 16px;">每月5.99美元的费用,你可以注册Reddit Premium,这是一项可以增强你的Reddit体验的订阅服务。 < font-size: 16px;">Here's an explanation of what Reddit Premium is,how much it costs,and what's included. < font-size: 16px;">这里解释了Reddit Premium是什么,它的价格是多少,以及包括哪些内容。 < font-size: 16px;">Reddit Premium is Reddit's subscription membersh宝洁公关危机ip program,which was formerly known as"Reddit Gold."Your monthly payment goes directly to supporting Reddit and its thousands of hosted communities. < font-size: 16px;">Reddit Premium是Reddit的订阅会员计划,前身为“Reddit Gold”。您每月的费用将直接用于支持Reddit及其数千个托管社区。 < font-size: 16px;">Reddit Premium costs$5.99 per month,billed monthly.There used to be an option to buy Reddit Gold for a year,but that option has been phased out. < font-size: 16px;">Reddit Premium每月收费5.99美元,按月收费。过去有购买Reddit Gold的选择权,期限为一年,但该选择权已被逐步取消。 < font-size: 16px;"> < font-size: 16px;">You can sign up for Reddit Premium from the Premium landing page. < font-size: 16px;">您可以从高级登录页注册Reddit Premium < font-size: 16px;">When you sign up for Reddit Premium,you receive three main benefits. < font-size: 16px;">当您注册Reddit Premium时,您将获得三个主要好处。 < font-size: 16px;">The first is an ad-free Reddit.As soon as you log into your Premium-enabled account,all ads on Reddit disappear.This helps pages load faster,and makes sure the only content you're shown is content that you want to see. < font-size: 16px;">第一个是无广告的Reddit。一旦您登录到启用了Premium的帐户,Reddit上的所有广告就会消失。这有助于更快地加载页面,并确保显示的唯一内容是您想要查看的内容。 < font-size: 16px;">The second is access to r/lounge,a Premium-exclusive subreddit.r/lounge has no real topic or focus,and is just built for chatting with other Premium users. < font-size: 16px;">第二个是进入r/lounge,这是一个高级专属的subreddit。r/lounge没有真正的主题或焦点,只是为与其他高级用户聊天而构建的。 < font-size: 16px;"> < font-size: 16px;">Only users logged into a Premium account can access r/lounge. < font-size: 16px;">只有登录到高级帐户的用户才能访问r/lounge < font-size: 16px;">When you sign up,you'll be given 1000"Coins"as a bonus,and will then earn 700 Coins per month afterwards.Like Reddit's"Karma"feature,which you are awarded when you get upvotes,Reddit Coins are also a coveted form of virtual clout—just not for you. < font-size: 16px;">当你签约时,你将获得1000枚“硬币”作为奖金,然后每月将获得700枚硬币。就像Reddit的“因果报应”(Karma)功能一样,当你获得票数时就会获得奖励,Reddit硬币也是一种令人垂涎的虚拟影响力形式-只是不适合你。 < font-size: 16px;">Coins don't do anything for you,and people can't see how many Coins you have.Instead,you can gift your Coins to users who have made exceptionally hilarious,informative,or clever comments. < font-size: 16px;">硬币对你没有任何好处,人们也看不到你有多少硬币。取而代之的是,你可以把你的硬币赠送给那些发表了特别搞笑、信息丰富或聪明评论的用户。 < font-size: 16px;">Depending on how many Coins you give,you can award that user with a Silver,Gold,or Platinum Award.The post you picked out will then show a badge,noting that it earned that user an award. < font-size: 16px;">根据您提供的硬币数量,您可以向该用户授予银奖、金奖或白金奖。然后,您选择的帖子将显示一个徽章,说明它为该用户赢得了一个奖项。 < font-size: 16px;">The Silver award is entirely symbolic,but the Gold and Platinum awards give the user a free week or month of Reddit Premium,respectively. < font-size: 16px;">银奖完全是象征性的,但金奖和白金奖分别给用户免费的一周或一个月的Reddit Premium。 < font-size: 16px;"> < font-size: 16px;">When you gift Reddit Coins,the recipient can earn a taste of life as a Reddit Premium user. < font-size: 16px;">当您赠送Reddit硬币时,收件人可以体验作为Reddit Premium用户的生活 < font-size: 16px;">You can also buy coins without a Reddit Premium account,but you'll have to pay for them. < font-size: 16px;">你也可以在没有Reddit Prem抖音平台开户ium账户的情况下购买硬币,但你必须付钱。 < font-size: 16px;">You can sign up for Reddit Premium by heading to the Premium landing page,where you'll then enter your account and payment information. < font-size: 16px;">您可以转到Premium登录页面注册Reddit Premium,然后在那里输入您的帐户和付款信息。 < font-size: 16px;">1、How to post on Reddit using your computer or mobile device < font-size: 16px;">1、如何使用您的计算机或移动设备在Reddit上发帖。 < font-size: 16px;">2、How to find a user on Reddit in 2 ways,and see their complete posting history < font-size: 16px;">2、如何通过两种方式在Reddit上查找用户,并查看其完整的发帖历史记录。 < font-size: 16px;">3、How to change your Reddit username by creating a new account < font-size: 16px;">3、如何通过创建新帐户更改您的Reddit用户名。 < font-size: 16px;">4、How to delete a Reddit post you've written on a computer or mobile device < font-size: 16px;">4、如何删除你在电脑或移动设备上写的Reddit帖子。 < font-size: 16px;">5、How to create a quote block on Reddit to make quotes stand out in a post < font-size: 16px;">5、如何在Reddit上创建引用块以使引用在帖子中脱颖而出 ![]() |
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