时间:2021-07-15 | 标签: | 作者:萱萱Q8 | 来源:互联网网络
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“冰果映象”是三亚大映象实业有限公司推出的海南岛热带天然水果冰棒品牌,致力于打造最具海南特色的休闲冰品品牌。产品经由精选海南岛热带完熟新鲜水果手工制作而成,果肉清晰可见、色泽艳丽、口感冰爽,果味十分浓郁,具有新鲜健康、好玩有趣、清新自然的特点,主要以外地游客、本地都市女性及青少年为消费群体。 公司特面向社会征集广告语,要求作品以健康、美味、新鲜功能诉求与清新、好玩、有趣等情感诉求相结合;作品简明有力、上口易记;直击人心、过目难忘;针对目标受众需求,突出差异化诉求;广告语句式不限,需同时提交中英文广告语。 经过举办广告语征集活动,现将部分初选中英文优秀作品予以公布: 1、新鲜冰果相伴,清新整个夏天。Fresh bingo, Fresh summer! 2、清新夏日,冰果映象。cooling summer ,cooling fruits. 3、劲爽彩虹果肉,迈出精彩人生!Cool rainbow pulp, made a wonderful life! 4、舌尖上的热带风情。Taste the tropical flavour. 5、好吃看得见!Good look, good taste! 或 As tasty as it looks! 6、源(缘)来如此——冰果映像。source to so. 7、受不了了,快到嘴里来!Stand fast to his mouth! 8、水果爱上冰——冰果映象。Fruits fall in love with ice--Fruit ice image. 9、把夏天留在身边。The summer stay. 10、把最美的颜色吃到嘴里。The most beautiful color mouth to eat. 11、冰爽趣味,果味健康。Icy fun fruity health. 12、没错,你看到的就是你吃(尝)到的。Yes, what you see is what you eat (to taste)。 13、“冰”纷夏日,“果”味十足。cold summer,cold drink. 14、萌“冻”鲜果秀健康。Moe “frozen” fruit show health. 15、咬我,轻一点!Suck me,gently! 16、感“冻”健康,趣味水果。Sense “frozen” healthy, fun fruit. 17、冰果映象,入囗难忘。Eat not forget. 18、趣味冰果,健康你我!Fun fresh fruit, you my health! 19、想知道非雪糕的味道吗?DO YOU KNOW THE TASTE OF NON ICE CREAM? 20、一口美味,一趣健康。A delicious and a healthy interest. 21、冰爽、鲜果、新乐趣。cool, fresh fruit ,new fun. 22、萌“冻”鲜果,趣味康泰。Moe “frozen” fruit, fun Conde. 23、看到的颜色(鲜亮、鲜泽),尝到的鲜爽。See color,Taste cool. 24、冰封不住的果味。Not frozen fruit. 25、新鲜冰滋味,乐享新生活——冰果映象。Fresh ice taste, enjoy new life -- ice mapping. 26、美味冰,健康果。Delicious ice, healthy fruit. 27、冰爽每天,果舞飞扬。Dancing fruit cool everday. 28、有冰,有果,爽口,健康。Have ice , have fruit, daintily and health. 29、冰的果,鲜的棒。frozen fruits, fresh taste. 30、果彩缤纷透心凉!Full of color and cool! 31、冻住最美丽的你(它)。Freeze the most beautiful you. 32、眼中的颜色(鲜亮、鲜泽),嘴里的鲜爽。The coler in the eye,The cool in the mouth. 33、冰爽怡口,果然沁心。Cool and dainty , feel cheer really. 34、冰果纷呈,美味康赠。Varied glacial fruit give U relish and health. 35、想尝尝有热带水果的冰棒吗?want the hot in ice? 36、浓浓鲜果趣,珍味加健康。Thick fruit fun, plus healthy delicacies. 37、天然美味,激发健康。Natural flavor, stimulate healthy. 38、冰果印象,美味健康永相随!healthy,delicacy forever. 39、激情冰冻的鲜果。Frozen passion fruit 40、天然的,海南的——冰果映象。natural,Hai Nan. 41、冰力十足,果不凡响!Full Ice force,Really extraordinary. 42、冰果印象:新鲜健康又美味!greenness,healthy,delicacy. 43、美味健康,冰爽趣味。Delicious and healthy, Icy Fun. 44、冰果印象,乐趣冰凉!Bingo Cool Fun! 45、我就是“冰果映象”新鲜。水果。冰棒!Im “BGYX” Fresh fruits popsicle ! 46、从此爱上(恋上)这个夏天……Love this summer… 47、趣味健康,感“冻”味觉。Fun health, a sense of “frozen” taste. 48、含在嘴里不怕化。In your mouth is not afraid of. 49、激情趣舞,摇“冻”鲜果。Passion Fun dance, shake “frozen” fruit. 50、感“冻”美味,健康趣味。Sense “frozen” delicious, healthy fun. 51、天然+康泰+美味+趣味=冰果映象。Natural Conde + + + Fun = delicious fruit ice image. 52、冰果映像,爱的结晶。The crystal of love. 53、炫彩凉爽一夏,滋味营养再来一口。In the whole summer,full colorful ,a sense of cool.Delicious and nutrition , once more. 54、手心里的夏天/把夏天握在手心。The summer on the hand. 55、冰果映象——真彩色,真酷爽!Ture color ,Ture cool. 56、鲜美果肉,“冰”爽来袭。Big Pulp, Cool Feeling. 57、激情冰冻,趣味心动。Frozen passion, fun heart. 58、新鲜无限,冰力永恒。forever fresh,forever cool. 59、新鲜果味,冰力十足。New fresh fruit flavour,Really Icy Power. 60、缤纷鲜果味,好吃看得见!Colorful fruit ,delicious visible. 61、看什么看,好看就把我吃了!See what see, good to eat me! 62、一冰一世界,一果一传奇。An ice world, a fruit a legend. 63、趣味果,健康冰。Fun fruit, healthy ice. 64、我受不了了,快到嘴里来!I cant stand, fast to his mouth! 65、看,我把水果冻住了。Look, I put the fruit frozen. 66、透心凉,果飞扬。Ice cool, Fruit fly. 67、就是要把最美的颜色吃到嘴里。Is to take the most beautiful color in his mouth to eat. 68、绚烂夏日,冰爽无敌!Color Summer,Fresh and cool Peerless ! 69、冰果映象,不同凡响。Ice mapping, extraordinary. 70、冰果冰棒,非常棒。Fruit ice popsicles, great. 71、品果味,趣健康。Commodities fruity, fun health. 72、品鲜果,尝健康。Commodities fruit, taste healthy. 73、好看就要吃到嘴里!Good to eat into the mouth! 74、冰果汇合,爽口美味cool fruits , tasted good. 75、没错,你吃(尝)到的就是你看到的。Yes, you eat (taste) to what you saw. 76、当冰爽遇上水果。When ice meets fruit. 77、鲜果真冰我心动!Fresh fruit ice me move! 78、健康的感觉更冰爽。Icy feel more healthy. 79、冰果映象,只求更完美。only strives for to be better! 80、口口真冰爽,颗颗真果肉。real fruit ,real cool. 81、融于口,鲜在心。Melt in you mouth Fresh in your mind. 82、爱上(恋上)这个夏天,爱上(恋上)这个味道。Love this summer, Love the taste. 83、似果非果,似冰非冰。Like fruit not fruit, ice like non ice. 84、冰果映象——有大果肉的冰棒。fruit www.jintang114.orG in ice. 85、真水果,真天然,真冰凉,真美味。Real fruit, Real natural, Real cold, Real delicious. 86、一口冰果,爱不释手!Cant take my hands of you. 87、把水果冻住,让新鲜永存。froze the fruits ,so freshness can be forever. 88、特别的冰棒,特别的你。special ice,special you. 89、一口珍味,一趣健康。A Zhenwei, a healthy interest. 90、冰果映像,“果”真冰棒。a delicious popsicle with fresh & nice fruits. 91、感“冻”水果,趣味健康。Sense “frozen” fruit, fun health. 92、冰加水果,美味健康。Ice add fruit, relish and health. 93、健康,与众不同。Health, distinctive. 94、我要炫酷起来!Let it colorful (go) ,I want to be cool! 95、畅享清凉,果维营养。enjoy cool, vc pabulum. 96、看什么看,好看就把我吃到嘴里!See what see,good to eat into the mouth! 97、冰 ,让水果心“冻”。Ice, so that the fruit heart “frozen”。 98、玩转海南,“冰”纷果映象。Be good at playing Hainan ,Enjoy the colorful frozen fruit. 99、感“冻”味觉,趣味健康。Sense “frozen” taste, taste healthy. 100、天然健康,冰爽趣味。Natural health, Icy Fun. 101、夏天映象,冰果映象。Summer image,Fruit ice image. 102、冰鲜果炫爽透心。Fruit popsicles cool your hart. 103、趣味鲜果,冰爽健康。Fun fruit, Icy health. 104、果味健康,冰爽趣味。Fruity health, Icy Fun. 105、鲜而易见,冰爽乐翻天!Fresh and easy to see Icy proud le! 106、冰感“冻”水果,趣新鲜健康。Ice flu “frozen” fruit, fresh and healthy interest. 107、鲜爽时分,为幸福点赞!This moment praise for happy spot. 108、千年冰冻传奇!1000 years sage. 109、天然手工冰,果真好味道!handmade popsicle , natural taste of casual. 110、冰果映像,好吃超乎想象。no think like it. 111、不是水果!是冰果!Not fruits,but cool fruits! 112、玉映果,象样冰。Yu Ying fruit, decent ice. 113、冰爽果然,映象海南。Cool really , Hainans essence. 114、鲜果暧昧,颜色冰味。Fresh fruit, ambiguous color ice. 115、冰果印象:留住新鲜,开启健康,果然美味!greenness,healthy,delicacy. 116、冰果缤纷,清凉印象!Bingo profusion to cool summer! 117、冰果映象,果真棒极了!Fruit popsicle is really great! 118、(有水果的冰棒)吃前数一数(数的是水果种类)。count before you eat. 119、果“冻”心,夏冰清!Frozen Fruits & Cool Summer! 120、一味天然,一趣健康。Blindly natural, 电视作为广告a healthy interest. 121、冰果印象:开启千年冰封的密蜜!open 1000 years secret. 122、浓浓鲜果情,趣味加健康。Thick fruit love, fun plus health. 123、一味浓郁,一趣健康。Blindly rich, a healthy interest. 124、缤纷鲜果,越冰越美丽。more more ice fun ,enjoy the fresh fruit. 125、趣味水果,感“冻”健康。Fun fruit, a sense of “frozen” healthy. 126、冰封鲜果,健康映象。Ice envelop fruit , healthy essence. 127、快到嘴里来!Fast Www.jintang114.Org to his mouth! 128、鲜果搭配,多汁多味。Fresh fruit is tie-in, juicy taste more. 129、浓浓果趣,健康心“冻”。Thick fruit fun, healthy heart “frozen”。 130、冰爽果然趣多,缤纷心情之旅! Cool refreshing the fruits & Colorful Mood ! 131、健康,激情冰爽篇。Health, passion Icy articles. 132、冰果映象,健康美味,趣味无穷,祛暑极品!ice fruit mapping, healthy and tasty, fun, drive away summer heat! 133、冰果映象,畅享健康。Essence of glacial fruit , enjoy health. 134、鲜果世界,冰冻印(映)象。Frozen fruit good taste. 135、把清凉捧在手心里。(put cooling summer in hand) 136、玉映果,象武冰。Yu Ying fruit, like Wu Bing拍摄什么宣传片. 137、果然精彩真凉快!How cool it was wonderful! 138、冰力十足,果然缤纷。Full of cool, Enjoy Full of fruit. 139、天然,足量,是我们对水果的敬意,更是为了您的满意!Its my pleasure to prepare nat品牌网络营销推广ural and perfect fruits for you! 140、富有色彩,冰爽超酷。full of color and cool. 141、冰果奇缘,鲜爽一刻。At this moment, ice and fruit fell in love. 142、冰爽一夏,果享健康。Cool through the summer , Share health indeed. ![]() |