时间:2021-07-15 | 标签: | 作者:萱萱Q8 | 来源:互联网网络
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双十一已经过了,有木有男同胞想脱单呢?一盒甜甜美美的巧克力是送给心仪女生的好礼物哟~~平日里看了那么多浪漫的巧克力广告,大家有没有想过自己为巧克力设计广告词呢? 1号作品: Only lovers can share the same piece of chocolate. You are the only chocolate for me. 2号作品: Near or far, life or love. Dream comes true via HIY.(HIY为自己的巧克力名) 3号作品: Why not taste a dream? 4号作品: Let your indulgence take me away; let your love set me free. 5号作品: You never know what youre gonna get. 6号作品: Love cant wait, Chocó never late! 7号作品: One chocolate, one couple! 8号作品: Scctv6广告he hates those wines. She hates those flowers. She hates those diamonds and all those flatteries. But she kisses me like a four-year-old. xxx chocolate. 9号作品: Worth gaining weight. 10号作品: Like a party in your mouth. 11号作品: My heart melts in the warmth of your presence. It doesnt. 12号作品: Hello, sunshine. Bother to get a map? You just make me get lost in your eyes. 13号作品: Sweetie, you make my life sweet. 14号作品: Let her melt in your mouth. 15号作品: My heart was as sweet as chocolate when you came into my life. 16号作品: Life is the flower for which cho上网站建设colate is the honey. 17号作品: One bite to feel how sweet and strong our love is. 18号作品: Sharing happiness and suffering together, we both understand sweet and bitterness. 19号作品: Take one bar, be my heart. 20号作品: To Choose the right person, COllect beautiful memories, using chocolate is never LATE. 21号作品: Love is how you feel it, smooth and savory. 22号作品: Ch宣传海报背景oose Charlottes chocolate, charm and cheer never come late ! 23号作品: Share the moments of your life. 24号作品: Meet you, love you, sweet you. 25号作品: Heart is more than hearty heart. ![]() |