时间:2022-03-01 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:深圳外贸圈网络
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6月30日消息,印度政府今天宣布限制该国使用一些中国的移动应用程序。为响应安全和隐私问题,印度不再提供59款流行的中国应用程序和服务,包括TikTok、微信和微博、QQ等。 印度政府提到,这些应用从事的活动有损印度主权和完整、国防、国家安全和公共秩序。这59款中国应用将被禁止都在移动平台和非移动平台使用。 "印度政府在一份新闻稿中说:"信息技术部根据《信息技术法》第69A条以及《2009年信息技术(阻止公众获取信息的程序和保障措施)规则》的相关规定,并考虑到威胁的突发性,决定封杀59个应用程序,因为根据现有信息,这些应用程序从事的活动有损于印度的主权和完整性、国防、国家安全和公共秩序。 严肃严谨的公告原文 这份公告的原文我们在这里也复制了一份: Government Bans 59 mobile apps which are prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity of India, defence of India, security of state and public order Posted On: 29 JUN 2020 8:47PM by PIB Delhi The Ministry of Information Technology, invoking it’s power under section 69A of the Information Technology Act read with the relevant provisions of the Information Technology (Procedure and Safeguards for Blocking of Access of Information by Public) Rules 2009 and in view of the emergent nature of threats has decided to block 59 apps ( see Appendix) since in view of information available they are engaged in activities which is prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity of India, defence of India, security of state and public order. Over the last few years, India has emerged as a leading innovator when it comes to technological advancements and a primary market in the digital space. At the same time, there have been raging concerns on aspects relating to data security and safeguarding the privacy of 130 crore Indians. It has been noted recently that such concerns also pose a threat to sovereignty and security of our country. The Ministry of Information Technology has received many complaints from various sources including several reports about misuse of some mobile apps available on Android and iOS platforms for stealing and surreptitiously transmitting users’ data in an unauthorized manner to servers which have locations outside India. The compilation of these data, its mining and profiling by elements hostile to national security and defence of India, which ultimately impinges upon the sovereignty and integrity of India, is a matter of very deep and immediate concern which requires emergency measures. The Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre, Ministry of Home Affairs has also sent an exhaustive recommendation for blocking these malicious apps. This Ministry has also received many representations raising concerns from citizens regarding security of data and risk to privacy relating to operation of certain apps. The Comp公共关系公司是uter Emergency Response Team (CERT-IN) has also received many representations from citizens regarding security of data and breach of privacy impacting upon public order issues. Likewise, there have been similar bipartisan concerns, flagged by various public representatives, both outside and inside the Parliament of India. There has been a strong chorus in the public space to take strict action against Apps that harm India’s sovereignty as well as the privacy of our citizens. On the basis of these and upon receiving of recent credible inputs that such Apps pose threat to sovereign抖音信息流广告投放准入ty and integrity of India, the Government of India has decided to disallow the usage of certain Apps, used in both mobile and non-mobile Internet enabled devices. These apps are listed in the attached appendix. This move will safeguard the interests of crores of Indian mobile and internet users. This decision is a targeted move to ensure safety and sovereignty of Indian cyberspace. 访问印度政府电子信息技术部官方公告: https://meity.gov.in/press-releases 目前,以下这些中国应用程序在印度被禁止使用: 名单 如下是受影响的App名单。起草文告的公务员也秉承了印度公共服务一贯的严谨作风,把其中至少两个App的名字拼错了: TikTok (抖音海外版) Shareit (茄子快传) Kwai (快手) UC Browser (UC浏览器) Baidu map (百度地图) Shein (跨境电商 - 南京领添) Clash of Kings (列王的纷争-北京智明星通旗下的游戏) DU battery saver (点心省电) Helo (字节旗下社交) Likee (欢聚时代旗下的短视频) YouCam makeup Mi Community (小米社区) CM Browers (原文写错 - 猎豹旗下浏览器) Virus Cleaner (病毒清理大师) APUS Browser (Apus浏览器) ROMWE (Shein旗下电商站) Club Factory (跨境电商) Newsdog (新闻聚合) Beutry Plus (原文写错 - 美图) WeChat (微信) UC News (UC新闻) QQ Mail (QQ邮件) Weibo (微博) Xender (闪传) QQ Music (QQ音乐) QQ Newsfeed (腾讯新闻) Bigo Live (欢聚时代旗下的直播) SelfieCity (潮自拍) Mail Master (网易邮箱大师) Parallel Space (平行空间) Mi Video Call Xiaomi (小米视频电话) WeSync (QQ同步助手) ES File Explorer (百度旗下的文件浏览器) Viva Video QU Video Inc (小影) Meitu (美图) Vigo Video (火山视频) New Video Status DU Recorder (百度录屏) Vault- Hide (私密图库) Cache Cleaner DU App studio DU Cleaner (百度清理大师) DU Browser (百度浏览器) Hago Play With New Friends (小游戏社交) Cam Scanner Clean Master Cheetah Mobile (猎豹清理大师) Wonder Camera (百度魔拍) Photo Wonder (百度魔图) QQ Player (QQ影音) We Meet Sweet Selfie (爱自拍) Baidu Translate (百度翻译) Vmate (阿里已经被放弃的印度短视频) QQ International (QQ国际) QQ Security Center (QQ安全中心) QQ Launcher (QQ桌面) U Video (快手旗下短视频) V fly Status Video Mobile Legends (沐瞳科技山寨王者荣耀) DU Privacy (百度隐私空间) 吃鸡好像(暂时)还没有被影响到?
《印度快报》该部在声明中援引印度信息技术法案第六十九条第一款,称这些应用“损害印度的主权和完整,损害国家安全和公共秩序”。 该声明还提到这些应用存在安全问题。“与此同时,人们在与数据安全和保护13亿印度人的隐私有关的各个方面上也有令人担忧的问题。” 该部进一步补充说,许多“来自各种来源”的投诉指出,其中一些应用在安卓和iOS系统上存在数据滥用情况,这些应用以未经授权的方式窃取用户数据秘密传输到印度境外的服务器。 印度内政部下属的印度网络犯罪协调中心(CERT-IN)还为信息技术部门阻止这些“恶意应用程序”提出了详尽的建议。该部门声称收到了许多“公民对数据安全性以及与某些应用程序操作有关的隐私风险的担忧”。 此外,该中心还称收到了公民关于数据安全性的陈述。声明说,议员们也已经记录了这个问题。 在中印边境发生摩擦以来,印度社交媒体上有很多人呼吁抵制中国产品,但是此前印度并未采取明确行动在印禁用中国商品或服务。 ▲中外运-敦豪国际航空快件有限公司停收通知 早前,紧急通知:Fedex和DHL暂停收印度的货物 自加勒万河谷冲突事件后,印度国内“反中”情绪水涨船高。据路透社爆料印度政府玩起了“暗箱操作”,“扣押”来自中国的集装箱,对所有中国货物实施100%检查,导致大量中国制造的商品积压在印度港口。 目前看来,中印两国的贸易和物流已经走在崩溃的边缘。 据悉,香港Fedex和DHL发布通知,鉴于所有从中国(含中国香港和澳门)发出的货物在通过所有印度港口运输过程中产生了严重的清关延误,即日起:暂停从中国大陆、香港和澳门接收寄往印度的货物,为期10天;何时恢复另行通知。 由于印度全国各地清关港口的无法控制的排队等待,拥堵和运输延迟,中外运-敦豪国际航空快件有限公司决定:“从6 月26 日起,所有从中国内地,中国香港和中国澳门到印度的包裹将暂停收取至2020 年7 月5 日(为期10 天),我们将根据最新情况调整,以确保从其他国家发货的货物不受影响。” 另外,彭博社引述消息说,印度标准局正敲定对至少370种中国产品更严格的进口措施,产品包括化工、钢铁、电子产品、重型机械、家具等,印度财政部正对该提案进行评估。 印度贸易部据悉也正评估针对中国商品的非关税措施,包括更多产品测试和更严格的质量认证要求。 ![]() |
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