
时间:2023-07-24 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:网络







(六)实施创业补贴。大学毕业生首次成功从事非农产业,并已正常经营3个月以上。经就业服务机构核实。同级,经劳动保障部门审核,经财政部门审核,给予一次性创业补贴,其中,对创业者给予一次性创业补贴2000元。 1家企业;一次性开办补贴3000元,具体补贴方式按照市财政局、市劳动和社会保障局就业专项资金使用有关规定办理。



(九)实行小额担保贷款支持,高校毕业生资金不足在我市创业可申请5万元以上小额担保贷款;合伙经营每人5万元以下的,可根据实际人数和经营项目核定;小额担保贷款期限不超过2年,到期如实需要展期,可延长一年。对于个人使用小额担保贷款从事规定的微利项目,政府给予全额贴息,延期期间不给予贴息。 ――密集型小企业和新招入的城乡劳动力达到企业级 现有职工总数30%以上(15%以上企业) 100名员工),签订1年以上劳动合同的,可获得最高200万元的小额担保贷款,贷款期限不超过2年。按中国人民银行公布的贷款基准利率的50%给予贴息。具体办法按照《人民银行、人力资源和社会保障部、财政部、人力资源和社会保障部关于进一步完善小额担保贷款管理积极促进创业的转达》 ”由国家、省、市政府办公厅发出。《关于促进就业的通知》(德办发[2009]15号)规定应予办理。



同时,也增加了创业机会,如徐州市印发《关于鼓励和支持高校毕业生进村(社区)自主创业的实施意见》。实施专项资金支持徐州市国家创业贷款担保基金,提供贷款担保额度3000万元,专门用于鼓励和支持大学生和村干部自主创业。县(市)区要设立不少于200万元的“大学生村官创业专项资金”,为大学生村官创业项目提供资金支持。金融机构要完善创业风险保障机制,为大学生村官创业提供保障。小额低息或贴息 大学生村官申请创业小额担保贷款上限可提高至20万元,对大学生实行多、多层次“输血” '村官创业将逐步实现。




(一)大学毕业生应在毕业后两年内自主创业,如果注册资本(资本金)以下,到创业实体所在工商部门办理营业执照。 50万元以上,允许分期缴纳,首期实收资本不低于注册资本的10%(出资额不低于3万元),实缴注册资本一年内加成50%。以上余额可在3年内分期支付。

大学毕业生在咨询业、信息业、技术服务业新开办企业或经营单位,经税务部门批准,免征企业所得税2年;新设立的从事交通运输、邮电通信业务的企业或经营单位,经税务部门批准,第一年免征企业所得税,第二年减半征收; , 材料工业, 外贸, 旅游, 物流, 仓储, 住宅服务, 餐饮


国有商业银行、股份制银行、城市商业银行和符合条件的城市信用社应为个体户毕业生提供小额贷款,简化手续,并提供开户和结算便利,贷款金额约2万元... 为支持大学生创业,国家和各级政府出台了多项优惠政策,涉及融资、创业、税收、创业培训、创业指导等。创业,只有了解这些政策,大学生才能迈出创业的第一步。

















大学生在杭州创业,是指普通高校的学生和毕业后五年内(2005年及以后毕业)在杭州市区内创业或自营的大学生- 受聘企业,须符合以下条件: 1. 从事当年列入杭州市产业发展导向目录的非禁止、非限制性发展项目。 2.大学生在杭州创办企业,大学生必须担任企业法定代表人,大学生核心成员













,将一期资金的比例从20%提高到70%,其余资金待一期资金通过考核或审核后分配。同时需要区级支持 资金资金应在1年内到位



m?・天,第二年补贴0.@ > 5元/平方米天(实际出租面积超过100平方米按100平方米计算;租金补贴超过实际租金,按实际租金补贴)。











⒈普通高等学校毕业生在国务院批准的高新技术开发区设立新企业,经有关部门认定为高新技术企业 科技企业自当年起免征企业所得税2年投产,免税期满后按15%的税率征收企业所得税。




毕业生创业可享受的工商管理优惠政策:自工商行政管理部门批准其经营之日起,个体工商户登记费(包括工商登记、变更登记) 、换领营业执照、营业执照复印件)、个体工商户管理费、集市管理费、经济合同认证费、经济合同示范文本费等优惠政策。为支持大学生创业,国家和各级政府出台了多项优惠政策,涉及融资、创业、税收、创业培训、创业指导等诸多方面。


(一)大学毕业生毕业后两年内自主创业,到创业单位所在地工商部门办理营业执照,如果注册资本(资本金) is less than 500,000 yuan, it is allowed to be in place in installments , the first paid-in capital shall not be less than 10% of the registered capital (the capital contribution shall not be less than 30,000 yuan), the paid-in registered capital shall be increased to more than 50% within 1 year, and the balance can be paid in installments within 3 years.

(二)University graduates start new enterprises or business units in the consulting, information and technical service industries, with the approval of the tax department, they will be exempted from corporate income tax for two years; Or business units, with the approval of the tax department, corporate income tax is exempted in the first year, and corporate income tax is halved in the second year; newly established to engage in public utilities, commerce, material industry, foreign trade, tourism, logistics, warehousing, Enterprises or business units in the resident service industry, catering industry, education and cultural undertakings, and health undertakings are exempted from corporate income tax for one year with the approval of the taxation department.

(三)There are commercial banks and joint-stock banks in various countries. , city commercial banks and qualified urban credit cooperatives should provide small loans for graduates who start their own businesses, simplify the procedures, provide convenience for account opening and settlement, and the loan amount is about 20,000 yuan. The loan term is up to two years, and If it is determined that the period needs to be extended, one can apply for an extension. The loan interest is determined according to the loan interest rate announced by the People's Bank of China, the maximum guarantee limit is 5 times the guarantee fund, and the period is the same as the loan period.

(四)The talent intermediary service agency affiliated to the government personnel administrative department will keep personnel files (including social security, professional title, file salary and other related procedures) for 2 years free of charge for self-employment graduates; provide free inquiries about talents, labor supply and demand information, and publish recruitment for free Advertising and other services; appropriate reduction or exemption of fees for participating in talent fairs or talent labor exchange activities; preferentially providing one-time training and evaluation services for employees who start enterprises.

The above preferential policies are formulated by the state for all college students who start their own businesses. Yes, in order to support local college students to start their own businesses, local governments have also issued relevant policies and regulations, which are more detailed and closer to reality. Understanding these preferential policies营销方案计划 will make college students feel the support of the state and the government, and strengthen their determination to start a business.

College students have entrepreneurial enthusiasm, but due to lack of experience, lack of ability, and deviation of consciousness, the success rate of entrepreneurship is obviously low. In this regard, Xu Benliang, an expert in entrepreneurship guidance for college students and the president of Shanghai Entrepreneurship Education and Training Center, analyzed It is believed that college students must have the following互动营销策划是什么 hardware for entrepreneurship:

Hardware one:

The reserve of entrepreneurial knowledge; Lack of understanding of the society, especially lack of experience in market development and enterprise operation. Therefore, college students should be fully prepared before starting a business. On the one hand, they can accumulate relevant management and marketing experience by working or intern in enterprises; , by participating in entrepreneurship Training, accumulating entrepreneurial knowledge, accepting professional guidance, and recharging yourself to improve the success rate of entrepreneurship.

Hardware II:

Preparation of funds; Nearly half of college students believe that "funding is the stumbling block for entrepreneurship". Without funds, no matter how good the idea is, it is difficult to transform into real productivity. Before obtaining funds, you must first understand how much funds you need, how to obtain funds, and the sources of funds. Entrepreneurs must have certain business concepts, whether to choose debt as a source of capital or equity as a source of capital, and what you choose to protect your investors. These basic issues will determine whether the early stage of the business is successful. College students should develop their ideas and use multiple channels for financing. In addition to traditional channels such as bank loans, self-raised funds, and private loans, they can also make full use of financing channels such as venture capital and venture capital.

Hardware three:

Technology and interest; exchange of intelligence for capital, this is the characteristic road of college students' entrepreneurship. Some venture capitalists are often willing to fund their entrepreneurial plans because of the advanced technology mastered by college students. Therefore, college students who intend to start a business in the high-tech field must pay attention to technological innovation, develop products with independent intellectual property rights, and attract funds from investors.

Hardware four:

Personal ability; Entrepreneurship is a process from simple to complex. For example, if you lack judgment on the market at the beginning, you should start from a simple market. to gain experience. College students excel in technology, but generally lack financial management, marketing, communication, and management skills, and are not familiar with the "rules of the game" for business operations. In order to be successful in starting a business, entrepreneurs must have basic business skills in addition to strong execution skills (persistence and persistence).

Although there a六种主要网络营销re unlimited business opportunities in today's entrepreneurial market, for college students entrepreneurs with limited funds, abilities and experience, it is not "bend over to find wealth on the ground". Under this circumstance, college students' entrepreneurship can only create a new world that is truly suitable for them only by finding the "place to stand" according to their own characteristics.

Direction 1:

College students who are at the forefront of high-tech fields in the field of high-tech have the advantage of being close to the water and building their own businesses in this field. "NetEase", "Tencent", etc. The success of college students' entrepreneurial enterprises is due to the technological advantages of entrepreneurs.但并不是所有的大学生都适合在高科技领域创业。 Generally speaking, college students with profound technical skills and outstanding academic performance have the hope of success. College students who are interested in starting a business in this field can actively participate in various entrepreneurial competitions to gain the opportunity to stand out in order to attract venture capital.

Recommended business opportunities:

Software development, network services, game development, etc.

Direction 2: Intellectual service field In the field of intellectual service, college students are able to start a business, and intelligence is the first capital that college students can master when starting a business. For example, the field of tutoring is very suitable for college students to start a business, especially college students majoring in normal education. On the one hand, tutoring is the traditional channel of work-study for college students, and they have accumulated rich experience;这种智力服务创业项目成本比较低,可以开办公桌,开电话。

Recommended business opportunities:

Tutors, tutoring agencies, design studios, translation offices, etc.

Direction 3:

The field of franchising According to the survey, in the same business field, the success rate of individual entrepreneurship is less than 20%, while that of franchise entrepreneurship is as high as 80%. For college students with very limited entrepreneurial resources, with the help of the brand, technology, marketing and equipment advantages of the franchise, they can realize their own business with less investment and lower threshold.然而,特许经营并非“无风险”。在目前市场鱼龙混杂的情况下,大免费舆情监测平台学生涉世不深,在选择加盟项目时更要注意规避风险。一般来说,大学生创业者资金实力较弱,适合启动资金少、人力要求低的特许经营项目。建议从小企业做起;另外,最好选择经营年限5年以上,有10家以上的公司。成熟的加盟店品牌。

What you said about self-employment microloans is true. I'm specifically responsible for this. Generally refers to college graduates within three years. With graduation certificate [or degree certificate], household registration book, ID card, business license, and a guarantor who meets the guarantee conditions or real estate as collateral. Sales loans are available. Your situation can only be handled in Luohe. Because micro-loans are special funds for local finance. Foreign household registration cannot be enjoyed. If you go to school in Zhengzhou. You can apply for the household registration in Zhengzhou. interest on the loan. All the fees are paid by the government. You only borrow and repay the book. Also for business. Taxes, etc. enjoy the same preferential treatment as laid-off workers. If you want to start a business, this website may help you.

Related articles: Gansu Entrepreneurship Network (White Hand Entrepreneurship Network) Is there a subsidy for college students to start a business (subsidy policy for college students) The latest entrepreneurial information (website of the latest entrepreneurial information) College students' self-employment network (official website of college students' entrepreneurship website)






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