时间:2022-09-14 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:网络
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IOC president Thomas Bach at a news conference after the executive board meeting. /VCG Photo 近日,因日本新冠肺炎疫情蔓延,东京奥运会能否如期举办成为世界关注焦点。 国际奥委会新闻发言人马克•亚当斯表示,基于现有证据,没有理由更改2020东京奥运会,将按原计划于2020年7月24日至8月9日期间举行。 当地时间3月3日,国际奥委会主席巴赫表示,国际奥委会将继续全力支持2020东京奥运会,并鼓励所有运动员充满信心全力以赴,继续为2020东京奥运会做准备。 2020 Tokyo Olympics won't be postponed or canceled due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, said International Olympic Committee (IOC) spokesperson Mark Adams. "The Games are going ahead on the 24th of July, and we completely expect to deliver them on that date." IOC President Thomas Bach said on Tuesday that the IOC is fully committed to the success of the Tokyo Olympic Games, and encourages all athletes to continue preparing for the Games. ● 如期举办?日本网友反应不一 ● A tourist wearing a protective mask takes a photo with the Olympic rings in the background, at Tokyo's Odaiba district in Tokyo, March 3, 2020. /AP Photo 据日本共同社消息,日本厚生劳动省4日表示,日本的新冠肺炎感染人数已经登上1000大关,累计死亡人数12人。其中,确诊人数包括在日本国内的日本人和中国游客280人;“钻石公主”号邮轮706人;从武汉乘坐包机返回者14人。 在疫情依旧严峻的当下,很多网友对“奥运会将如期举办”的决定褒贬不一。 At least 1,000 cases of novel coronavirus have been confirmed in Japan as of Wednesday, according to Kyodo news agency. The cases include more than 706 people who were aboard the Diamond Princess, a cruise ship that was quarantined near Tokyo. Concerning the spread of the virus, Japanese people are holding mixed views towards the announcement that Tokyo Olympic Games will proceed as planned. Some applauded the decision while some doubted if anyone would want to come. 一些网友表示,在经历了这么“难”的开年后,总算“还有奥运会可以看”,算是一件值得期待的事。同时,日本举国上下为筹备奥运会所做的努力也没有白费,这是值得庆幸的。 “如果不举办的话将是日本的巨大损失,还是举办的好。” “毕竟世界各国的运动健儿们为这一天努力了这么久。” 不过,还有很多网友认为疫情尚处于紧要关头,对“如期举办”是否合适提出质疑。 “在各种事情被延期、中止以及学校停课的档口说‘没有更改举办时间的必要’实在是让人有点火大。” “比起竞技、观战来说,健康才是第一位。” 也有网友对参赛国家的数量表示担忧—— “不知道会不会变成只有日本一国参加的奥运会……” 以及“乐观式担忧”—— “如此岂不是成了日本选手的‘金牌自助餐’时刻” 还有网友呼吁在这样的时刻更加需要各方加强合作,共同抗疫。 “在疫情影响下,如果东京奥运会被中止,那么经济损失将无法估量,所有的企业和国民都会受到影响。政府、国民和全世界需要合作起来,才能确保奥运会安全举办。” ● 安倍:让奥运会成为经济景气的触发器 ● The New National Stadium, a venue for the opening and closing ceremonies at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, is seen from Shibuya Sky observation deck in Tokyo, March 3, 2020. /AP Photo 反观日本政府,对于如期举办奥运会的执着全世界有目共睹,毕竟奥运会承载着日本的希望。 早在2013年9月,日本申奥成功之时,日本首相安倍晋三就曾直言——“想让奥运会成为扫除日本15年通货紧缩和经济衰退的触发器。” While the Japanese are still debating the issue, the Japanese government has never been more serious about holding the Games on time. "I want to make the Olympics a trigger for sweeping away 15 years of deflation and economic decline," said Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe after the IOC picked Tokyo over Madrid and Istanbul back in September 2013. 从2013年申奥成功算起,日本政府已累计投入250亿美元。 日本花七年时间筹备这次奥运会,无疑是希望2020年东京奥运会的举办,能像1964年的东京奥运会一样再次让日本焕然一新,让日本“国运再开”。 In this April 13, 1964 file photo, Cars are seen jammed by the Miyake-Zaka underground highway interchange under construction as many construction works go on in Tokyo for the upcoming Olympics opening in October. /AP Photo 资料显示,1964年的东京奥运会为日本带来的经济辐射效果是空前的——大规模的基础设施建设在东京展开,交通网点大面积增加,各大体育场馆拔地而起,与之相关的制造业、服务业、建筑业、交通运输等行业蓬勃发展,共同造就了从1962年到1964年的日本“奥林匹克景气”时光。 东京都政府一项估算结果显示,如果2020年东京奥运会如期举办,将为日本全国带来约2.96万亿日元(约276亿美元)的经济效应,并创造15万个就业岗网络推广入门书籍位。 Now, Japan has come to the moment of realization seven years after winning the bid. Clearly, it can't easily give up the opportunity as it is hoping for the Tokyo Olympic Games to "rebrand the nation" and boost the national economy in a scale comparable to its event in 1964. If the Summer Games can go ahead as scheduled, it is said that the Games wo裂变式营销成功案例uld have an economic impact of approximately 2.96 trillion yen (around 27.6 billion U.S. dollars) and create 150,000 jobs in Japan. A man wearing a mask commutes in a train decorated with a poster showing Miraitowa, the official mascot of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, March 3, 2020. /AP Photo 在这样的情况下,如果此次东京奥运会被取消,那么对日本国民士气和经济的打击都将是巨大的。因此,日本对于举办此次奥运会的决心可以说是从未动摇。 在现代奥运会的历史上,只有三届奥运会遭“停办”,且都是因为战争原因:
如果东京奥运会被取消,意味着东京奥运会将可能成为第四届停办的奥运会,同时也是首届因公共卫生事件而停办的奥运会。 The modern Olympics have only ever been canceled three times – in 1916, 1940 and 1944, all during the two world wars. If the Tokyo Games are canceled, it would be the first Olympic Games canceled because of a public health emergency. 无论如何,如果此次新冠肺炎疫情能在奥运会开始前结束,那么对所有人来说都将是皆大欢喜的事情。即便不考虑日本对此次奥运会的经济投入,只考虑全世界要参加奥运会的运动员们过去数年来为此所付出的努力——相信如期举办是所有人都真心盼望的。 3月3日早上7点,马云捐赠的100万只口罩抵达日本成田国际机场 这两日,马云公益基金会向日本捐赠100万只口罩支援日本抗疫的消息登上海内外社交媒体热搜。这批去往日本的中国包装箱上贴着: “青山一道,同担风雨”。 此刻,希望我们离风雨过去,已经不远了。 ![]() |