时间:2024-04-12 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:网络
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Baolehito宝乐喜多-100%原装进口意式冰淇淋 欧洲顶级冰淇淋品牌 Top ice cream brand in Europe 传承五十八年的经典与传统, 每一个冰淇淋都按照其独特的配方精心打造而成, 源自于天然的食材,提供最经典的冰淇淋。 每一种口味都不会让您失望, 给您带来一段美妙的冰淇淋之旅! Each of ice cream is based on original recipes, according to its distinctive formulas and carefully created. Each kind of the flavor will not be disappointed. Giving you a wonderful travel of ice cream! 享受健康美味的甜蜜 Enjoy the delicious ice cream 牛奶冰淇淋的绵延顺滑,香草冰淇淋的神清气爽 水果冰淇淋的清新舒适,巧克力冰淇淋的回味悠长 朗姆酒冰淇淋的芳香馥郁,坚果冰淇淋的香甜隽永 当的网络营销平台甜蜜遇上香醇,丰富的滋味在唇齿间萦绕 幸福在舌尖开始蔓延,总是让人心情美好 Smooth milk ice cream,refreshing vanilla ice cream, fresh fruit ice cream,aromatic chocolate ice cream, full-bodied rum ice cream,sweet nuts ice cream. When sweet meets mellow,the rich flavor of taste in the lips. 我们坚持传统和使用高品质的新鲜原材料,给您提供最经典的冰淇淋, 这是我们的立场,我们的名字。 宝乐喜多冰淇淋 ----Baolehito 宝乐喜多国际集团 BAOLEHITO international group 无论在盛夏或凛冬 / 抑或在初春与深秋 / 甜蜜、清凉、自然香 / 当吃下第一口 / 冰的旋风席卷味蕾 / 欧洲湛蓝的天空 /&nb豆制品出口贸易sp沧县靠谱的微信朋友圈广告;已扎根在你的心中 No matter in midsummer or severe winter No matter in early spring or late autumn Just one scoop, giving you gelato’s full sweet, aroma and cool. Pleasant feeling full of your mouth. Azure sky of European already landed in your heart. 来自地中海沿岸的滋味 Taste Come from Mediterranean 集团本部位于德国,在意大利、德国及中国上海等地设有冰淇淋产业链。偕意大利400多年沉淀下来的手工冰淇淋配方,将最纯正的意式手工冰淇淋带入中国。 The headquarter of Baolehito located in Germany, Baolehito have its own production facility and distribution systems in Italy ,Germany and China. Baolehito br知名的咨询公司ing theauthentic gelato 轻奢品牌 抖音with the recipes of Italian gelato which under 400 years unremitting developed into China. 真正卓越的诚意之作 Our Culture 无论今天或明天,我们都严格要求自己,管理以人为本,质量以严为纲,以质量创品牌,以品牌占市场, 坚持以一流人才做一流产品,并以优秀服务与优越价格,赢得您的支持与信赖。
No matter in today or the future, we alway shave strict demand on ourselves, management under people-oriented, create brand by quality, strive for survival, development and efficiency on the basis of high quality,excellent service and the nice price, which is the way we win the support and trust from our customers. Selected Natural ingredients 优质水源、时令水果、天然坚果、新鲜奶蛋等。上海个性化软文推广结构设不含人造色素及香精,是非转基因食品。 Premium milk and eggs,fresh seasonal fruits, real nuts are always at the top list of ingredients. No GMOs, No artificial syrups or sweeteners. No artificial colorings. 轻盈如丝的浪漫口感 Romantic & silky mouthfeel 拥有浓郁奶香、清爽水果味和丝滑巧克力口感,香浓醇厚、层次鲜明、松软绵延,感动各年龄层的视觉及味觉。 With rich milk fragrance ,fresh fruitand silky chocolate taste, aromatic mellow, distinct level, soft stretch,impressed people of all ages. 爱美,更可以爱美食 Love for beauty, more love for foods 低脂、低糖、低热量,无论是追求时尚的年轻白领、想要保持身材的爱美女士,还是喜欢各种口味的儿童,都可以放心享用,是难得的爽口健康美味。 Baolehito’s gelato have the characteristic of low fat, 微博营销优势low sugar and low calorie,it is a healthier delicacy. Whether wh
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