时间:2024-04-12 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:网络
小提示:您能找到这篇{lolana罗拉娜}绝对不是偶然,我们能帮您找到潜在客户,解决您的困扰。如果您对本页介绍的lolana罗拉娜内容感兴趣,有相关需求意向欢迎拨打我们的服务热线,或留言咨询,我们将第一时间联系您! |
Lolana源自于美丽的夏威夷语,寓意“翩翩起舞的蝴蝶”。 2009年的仲夏,全球金融风暴席卷整个时尚行业,刚失业的时装设计师Carina.moya坐在洛杉矶大街上的露天咖啡店里,对未来充满迷茫的她麻木地画了一张又一张的作品,浑然不知一只蝴蝶悄然落在她的左胸前。 看着毫无灵气的设计图,正处于爱情事业双失时的Carina单仁实战网络营销 百度云更是感到绝望,她猛然抱起画夹痛哭不已,当她逐渐平静下来,放下画夹时竟发现一只色彩斑斓,异常美丽的蝴蝶被自己压死在画板上,而这只蝴蝶竟然是夏威夷极其罕见的帝王班蝶(Monach)! Carina看着那还在微微颤抖的双翼,负罪感油然而生,深感愧疚!而这时,她赫然发现自己的胸前有个蝴蝶印记,在雪白色的映衬下更加夺目,栩栩如生,美丽妖娆!处在震惊中的Carina灵光一现,她要让更多的人带着这只帝王班蝶翱翔于世界各地,让世人见识她的美丽,也让她成就更多美丽的女人!于是,在天使之城的洛杉矶诞生了Lolana,这只美丽灵动的蝴蝶天使深受高贵典雅女子的喜爱,如今,Lolana已遍布欧美各大时尚之都,成为时尚潮流中不可或缺的元素。 As Carina stared intently at the butterfly’s trembling wings, something happened. Guilt washed over her but at the same time, she had her “wow” mome上海电视前贴片广告费用nt. This unassuming butterfly mesmerized her for the longest time. The world, even in midst of trials, still retains beauty and hope. Suddenly, she realized that t外贸企业介绍his was the message she wants to bring to the world - for the sake of fashion, for the sake of women. Right there in the City of Angels, Lolana was born. Through the lif北京小红书种草怎么提高阅e of a butterfly, Lolana’s collection wants to evoke hope, beauty and confidence for women all over the world. As of today, Lolana has already begun spreading this message with its collection exhibi无锡户外广告大屏幕哪里有ted in major fashion capitals throughout Eur什么是营销4Pope and quickly becoming an indispensable element in the fashion world. ![]() |