时间:2024-04-12 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:网络
小提示:您能找到这篇{fashion&forward}绝对不是偶然,我们能帮您找到潜在客户,解决您的困扰。如果您对本页介绍的fashion&forward内容感兴趣,有相关需求意向欢迎拨打我们的服务热线,或留言咨询,我们将第一时间联系您! |
Fashion & Forward是斐逊•富得国际集团公司旗下的都市职业休闲箱包品牌。由现任集团总裁Mr. Francis于1988年在法国创立, Fashion & Forward以时尚的原创设计,精致的工艺,合理的价格,很快吸引了众多都市青年的喜爱.正是这些忠实的消费者,让Fashion & Forward得以快速的发展。 Fashion &am广告投放前景p; Forward is the br name of Fashion & Forward International Group for leisure bags in city. It is founded in 1988, F重庆百度关键词排名怎么收rance, by current CEO 广州商业宣传平板方案商Mr. Francis. With fashionable & original design, diaphanous craftworks, reasonable price, Fashion & Forward gains profound interests many young workers, with who, the faithful consumers, the br develops a lot. In 1995, Fashion & Forward started to walk to worldwide, fi品牌形象与策划rstly aim at Tokyo, Japan, th舆情数据监测平台哪个牌子e 平衡车网络推广模式hotspot market of As口碑营销策略案例ia. In 2005, Fashion & Forward walked to Taipei. In 2008, FASHION & FORWARD INTERNTIONAL GROUP CO., LIMITED was established in H杭州知名品牌策划公司K, which is the head office to administrate Taiwan, HK, & China mainl s数字营销知识hops/branchs. In 2009, Fashion & Forward (Ningbo) Trade Co., Ltd. was established, to promote this br in China mainl officially. 营销案例报告饥饿营销 ![]() |