时间:2024-04-12 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:网络
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BELLE STREET服饰集团 Clothing Group BELLE STREET服饰集团是一家拥有几十项自主知识产权的科技创新型企业集团,是服装行业唯一拥有时装外衣产品型专利的实业集团,系列产品是全球首创的时装外衣具美臀翘臀功能的时尚专利产品。 BELLE STREET结束了外衣不具备美体塑身功能的历史,延伸及升华了服装美学,改写了服装历史,为服装史添加了辉煌的篇章,是全球时装外衣艺术美臀翘臀缔造者。 BELLE STREET拥有完善的、强大的产业链条及具丰天河城大屏广告多少钱富经验的开发、管理团队,拥有完整、明确的企业发展战略及目标,以此为功能型服饰产业做出自己的贡献。 企业竞争的核心是产品竞争,企业始终应追求及打造高端产品,以产品优势形成企业整体竞争优势进而确立行业地位,途径是不断创新,因改变而变得独特。 今天的特色是明天的主流 BELLE STREET Apparel Group is the enterprise group with independent intellectual property rights, the series is the world’s first patented product Nice Bottom. BELLE STREET rewrite the history of the garment, adding a glorious chapter, is the founder of the global apparel art Nice Bottom. BELLE STREET has a good, strong industry **development of management team. For the functional apparel industry to make its own contribution. Enterprise competition is the core product competition, companies should always be to create high-end products to their overall product superiority to form a competitive advantage to be achieved through constant innovation, due to changes so special. Today’s feature is tomorrow’s mainstream 性感美臀 Sexy Nice Bottom 圆润紧翘的臀部是公认的最优美、最性感、最富有吸引力的臀部,是人体美学的核心及象征。性感女人已紧紧和美臀联系在一起,对于女性来说,拥有性感臀部是必要的,美臀让热爱生活的知性女人追求。 女性臀部拥有浓郁的性感气息及千差万别的风情,而BELLE STREET则把这种风情演绎得摇人心旌。在女人那里,她们喜爱穿着可使臀部圆滚而上翘的时装。往往我们在街市上所见到的那种属于惊鸿一瞥的记忆,是那背影,是那扭动中的风情! BELLE STREET可瞬间让女人拥有性感优雅、丰满娇俏的迷人美臀。 Rounded buttocks is recognized as the most sexy buttocks, the core of the body aesthetic. Sexy Women **Nice Bottom has been closely linked for women, with a sexy hip is necessary, Nice Bottom lives a woman so that the pursuit of love. Sexy female buttocks has a rich flavor, they are like wearing a Nice Bottom clothing. BELLE STREET can instantly make a woman has a sexy elegant, charming fullness Jiaoqiao Nice Bottom. BELLE STREET美臀翘臀专利产品 Nice Bottom Patent Products BELLE STREET专利产品为国际化顶尖时尚产品,产品适合所有成年消费者,系列产品以健康、舒适、方便、实效为前提,使美臀翘臀外衣化、时装化、正装化、日常化、穿着自主化、公共场合化。系列专利产品添补全球衣物美体塑身行业空白、产品空白、市场空白。 BELLE STREET专利产品塑造丰翘性感美臀,翘臀美体效果极佳。穿着、洗涤,舒适、方便,外观、手感真实自然。产品可使用不同形状及厚度的3D美丰翘臀垫,可随意选择、调整翘臀度、丰满度,产品适用任何体型并均可达到最佳美臀效果。产品美臀翘臀功能可随时添加或取消,取消美臀翘臀功能时与普通裤、裙穿着效果完全相同。 BELLE STREET功能型外衣服饰产品打破及突破衣物美体塑身现状及产品种类。众所周知内衣美体是以健康、舒适为代价且效果不佳,春夏天气炎热穿着不适,秋冬外衣厚重无法体现内衣美体效果。消费者真正追求和需要的是在公众场合、四季均可完美体现美体塑身效果且穿着健康、舒适的产品。外衣美体塑身是综合健康、舒适、公众场合美体塑身效果、四季美体塑身效果等诸多因素确立的衣物美体塑身最佳方案。BELLE STREET美臀翘臀专利产品可使穿着者在一身轻松的情况下,在四季中均拥有完美臀形、体态。 BELLE STREET及消费者注重365天的公共场合的美臀美体实效 BELLE STREET专利产品具两用功能及双重价值 BELLE STREET专利产品以良好的实用性及性价比,将成为现有常规裤、裙的替代品。 BELLE STREET product is an international fashion products, product suitable for all adult consumers, family comfort, convenience, effectiveness, product fill gaps in the industry, the product space, the market gaps. BELLE STREET products, cleaning, comfort, convenience, appearance, feel real **natural. Nice Bottom features may at any time to add or cancel, cancel Nice Bottom functions **general pants, **skirts wearing exactly the sam品牌连锁设计公司e effect. Consumers need to healthy **comfortable products. BELLE STREET Nice Bottom patented products enable wearer in a relaxed situation, at the Four Seasons has finished in Nice Bottom-shaped posture. BELLE STREET patented products with dual-use functions **a double value. BELLE STREET good practicality **cost-effective products to replace the ordinary pants, **skirts products. BELLE STREET 3D美丰翘专利臀垫产品系列 Patent Nice Bottom Gasket Products 产品系列为3D美丰翘A1型、A2型系列、3D美丰翘B1型、B2型系列、3D美丰翘C1型、C2型系列,各系列及型号美臀丰满度、翘臀度不同。系列产品符合Oeko-Tex Standard100环保认证标准。 BELLE STREET 3D美丰翘臀垫与女性臀部完美结合浑然一体 BELLE STREET专利产品供应方式 Product supply mode 采购BELLE STREET专利产品方便、灵活、市场针对性强,经销商可在不改变现经营的产品类别、产品档次情况下营销BELLE STREET专利产品,即在经销商现经营的产品上可添加美臀翘臀功能,使其所经营的产品变身为功能型专利产品,使其在市场竞争中占绝对优势,以此大幅提升及保障经销商销售业绩及利润。 方式一:客商可在BELLE STREET各类别专利产品系列中订货、采购,同时BELLE STREET提供各类别产品的款式图片及各式面料供客商自主搭配。 方式二:客商可任意指定国内外市场中的牛仔系列、时装系列、休闲系列、西装系列、职装系列中单裤、单裙、连衣裙、裤套装、裙套装产品,由BELLE STREET添加美臀翘臀功能,出品具美臀翘臀功能的客商指定产品。针对客商所经销的产品类别及针对数字化客户营销客商所在地适销的产品风格、面料、款式、颜色、板型、档次等供应BELLE STREET专利产品。 方式三:方式一、方式二之综合。 BELLE STREET美臀翘臀功能可在任何的、所有的裤类、裙类产品上添加。 经销商(代理商、批发商、零售商)如具一定采购规模、客户网络及管理能力,BELLE STREET可授予专卖权,使其独享垄断经营带来的营销便利及巨额收入。 专利产品的专卖是真正的专卖,是唯一可确保利润的专卖。 Procurement BELLE STREET patented product convenient, flexible **competitive in the market to a dominant, thereby substantially upgrade **protect the dealer sales **profits. Mode 1: merchants can BELLE STREET patented products in the procurement, provision of goods, while BELLE STREET pictures **all kinds of fabrics for the merchants to match their own. Mode 2: traders can be any given product, ** Nice Bottom BELLE STREET add functionality. Mode 3: Mode 1, mode 2 of the synthesis. BELLE STREET Nice Bottom feature is available in any **all types of trousers, skirts products. Has a strength of dealers, BELLE STREET mon出口贸易产品目录opoly may be granted the right to operate its exclusive monopoly to bring convenience **a huge income marketing. The proprietary patented product is a real启迪跨境 monopoly, is the only way to ensure that the monopoly profits. 合作加盟 Cooperation join 全球首创的时装外衣具美臀翘臀功能的时尚专利产品优雅面市,是服装时尚的里程碑。BELLE STREET开辟了全新广阔的服装消费市场,给众商家带来无限商机! 一个善良诚实虚心好学抱有远大理想的集团核心,率领一个专业的创新型企业集团,用他们的勤劳和智慧打造BELLE STREET。 BELLE STREET人改变及创造历史,BELLE STREET文化将生生不息,是永不落幕的时尚!我们将与您共享世纪荣耀,实现财富梦想。 BELLE STREET欢迎各界有识之士合作、加盟,共享BELLE STREET大业。 BELLE STREET欢迎您 Nice Bottom fashion the world’s first patented product, is a milestone in fashion apparel. BELLE STREET opened up a vast new consumer market of clothing **give businesses new business opportunities! Have lofty ideals of the group core, led by a professional **innovative enterprise groups, with their diligence **wisdom to c卓天商务跨境电商appreate BELLE STREET business empire. BELLE STREET change **create history, BELLE STREET never-ending fashion! We will work with you to share the glory of the century to realize the dream of wealth. BELLE STREET welcome insight cooperation, join, share BELLE STREET. Welcome to BELLE STREET BELLE STREET 塑造优雅翘臀美女
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