时间:2024-04-12 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:网络
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悠久历史 L北京出海企业ong history 宏延卫浴设备开发实业有限公司为pc营销就是电脑营销吗一家投资一仟伍佰万美金的新型合资企业。拥有三十年洁具开发的经验及技术国内外精准营销,并从德国引进世界一流的洁具生产设备。本公司视质量为企业的第一生命,所生产的产品通过ISO9001:2000认证。销售地区覆盖美国、英国、西班牙、新加坡、马来西亚、中东等地区,深受各国人民的喜爱。 With an inv推广网站链接地软文免费咨estment of USD15 million, Hungyuan Sanitary Equipment Co. Ltd. boasts 30 years history of bathroom facilities development and technology, and has introduced the world first rate manufacturing equipments from Germany. Taking quality as its life, the company produces products with ISO9001:2000 certification, which enjoy good reputation among customers in America, England, Spain, Singapore, Malaysia, the Middle East, etc. 卓越设计 Outstanding design 宏延卫浴设备开发实业有限公司一向致力于浴室功能与美感的结合,因此卡思卡特所有系列产品的设计更注重创新、功能和科技等方面,以满足高品位生活方式的要求,这些设计意关于餐厅的营销策划在实现高品质的生活方式和个人生活哲学。卡思卡特的产品简洁又不失豪华,材料与造型结合得和谐完美,且充满情感氛围,最大的满足现代人们追求简单和精致的新生活方式。 Hungyuan Sanitary Equipment Co. Ltd. has been杰埃伊国际贸易 devoting to both in bathroom function and aesthetics. As a result, all products in Cascade series lay more emphasis on innovation, function and science to meet the needs of high quality life style and individual life philosophy. Being both simple and splendid, Cascade products are a perfect combination of material and style, thus can best cater 雅培奶粉负面to those who seek for a simple and elegant kind of life. 国际品质 International quality A、 造型高雅别致、线条流畅、气度非凡、风格卓然。 B、省水环保,节水性能达到国际严格的PSP标准,一次冲水量在6L以内,双档排水(大水6L,小水3L)更造就省水新概念。 C、静音设计,旋涡虹吸式的排水方式,彻底洗净使冲洗噪音得以控制。 D、完全瓷化,吸水率小于0.1%,永远不龟裂。 E、釉料为进口釉料,釉面明亮洁净,光可鉴人,始终如新。连体座便器配备:吉博力铜管进水组,吉博力筒式排水组,适用压力0.5kg/cm-7kg/cm。分体座便器配备:吉博力双档排水组,适用压力0.5kg/cm-7kg/cm。 A.A graceful style, smooth shape, and outst沙市电冰箱厂的一次危机公anding quality. B.Water saving and envi公关外部危机的大事列表ronment friendly. They reach the international PSP water saving standard with a one-time flush within 6L and double flush (the maximum of 6L and the minimum 3L) C.Mute design and vortex siphon discharge mode to enable a thorough flush with least noise. D.Complete ceramic design with an absorptive ratio less than 0.1% and without-fissures. E.Imported glazed which is shining polish and clean. One-piece toilet equipment: Gebrit copper pipe inlet valve and Gebrit discharge valve with an applicable pressure of 0.5kg/cm-7kg/cm. Two-pieces toilet equipment: Gebrit double discharge valve with an applicable pressure of 0.5kg/cm-7kg/cm. ![]() |
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