时间:2024-04-12 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:网络
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艺极楼梯国际机构——上海艺极楼梯有限公司定位于高档欧式楼梯的开发,致力于中国精品楼梯市场,主要以各种DIY式现代组装楼梯为主,拥有行业内最优越的产品系列和最专业的解决方案。公司成立至今六年,拥有欧洲四大知名楼梯品牌——德国“Ernst”、意大利“HAS”、西班牙“TM”、奥地利“Minka”,是集研发、制造和销售为一体的楼梯生产企业。下辖:上海艺极楼梯工厂——专业生产制造意大利风格现代简约楼梯;天慕艺极楼梯工厂——专业制造欧式古典楼梯;恩特艺极楼梯工厂——专业生产制造不锈钢与玻璃材质的家用或公建场所现代楼梯。拥有先进的、与世界同步的生产设备和技术,年生产能力达2万~2.5万部楼梯。 1999年,艺极在中国首次引进了意大利楼梯,填补了中国高档品牌楼梯的空白。经过两年的逐渐摸索,于2001年7月在上海正式成立了中国首家集销售、设计、安装、服务于一体的专业楼梯公司——上海艺极楼梯有限公司。至今已在全国六十多个大中城市拥有艺极楼梯精品专卖店。艺极的每一位代理商与上海艺极总部紧密合作,共同努力,为实现自身的快速发展,与艺极一起,抓住机遇,迎接挑战,创建 “艺极”品牌,努力在中国及国际市场实现“艺极”独领风骚的地位。 High Art International Organization of Staircase——Shanghai High Art网络维护公关公司 Staircase Co.,Ltd is specialized in R&D and Manufacturing of high-class European 美容美发店营销style staircases. Given the best product line and the most professional solution of staircase, 辽宁微信朋友圈广告介绍的High Art developed from a distributor for foreign staircase in China to the largest staircase manufacturor in China. High Art now cooperates with three great staircase brands from Europe——Ernst from Germany, HAS from Italy, TM from Spain and Minka from Austria. We have three factories, one is for Italian style staircases, one is for classic staircases,another, we will co-invest with Ernst and set up a large-scale staircase facotry in Shanghai, which will be specialized in the manufacturing of stainless steel and glass staircases. High Art International Organization of Staircase——Shanghai High Art Staircase Co.,Ltd head office is located in Shanghai with over 60 branches and distributors around China. Since 1999, when High Art began to develop it brand in China, now High Art has built抖音赚钱需要具备说明条件 its image as “expensive, excellen电子商务品牌策划t, artistic, customer-oriented” in consumers. At the same time, High Art is very famous in internaional staircase industry. Now High Art is TM No.1 distributor in China. ![]() |