时间:2024-04-12 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:网络
小提示:您能找到这篇{杜拉维特Duravit}绝对不是偶然,我们能帮您找到潜在客户,解决您的困扰。如果您对本页介绍的杜拉维特Duravit内容感兴趣,有相关需求意向欢迎拨打我们的服务热线,或留言咨询,我们将第一时间联系您! |
德国杜拉维特集团 从德国黑森林腹地赫恩伯格的一家小型工厂,到国际驰名的设计师卫浴品牌,现在始建于1817年的杜拉维特在全球生产陶瓷卫生洁具、浴室家具及其配件,并且在邻近的Schenkenzell, 在世界著名的Meissen瓷器的故乡Meissen, 法国Bischwiller, 埃及开罗,以及土耳其建立生产基地,以及遍布全球的销售网络。 It all started in 1817, when an earthenware factory was established in Hornberg, Germany. Sanitaryware products, bathroom furniture and accessories were introduced into production. More production sites were established in Schenkenzell, Meissen, Bischwiller, Egypt & Turkey. Meanwhile, the sales network has been established all over the world. 公司整合全球资源,所有工厂均奉行同样的高标准,精湛的手工和先进的技术,赋予所有杜拉维特产品传奇的高贵品质。 Duravit combines the global resources, but all factories follow the same high-standard, consummate craft and advanced technology, which gives the legendary and noble quality to Duravit products. 著名设计师的参与,是杜拉维特产品的灵感之源。数十年来,杜拉维特的产品获得了各种国际设计奖项和消费者的认可。 The cooperation between Duravit a品牌软文发布-营销品牌推nd famous designer established the philosophy of Duravit products. In the past decades, Duravit&rsquo班级生日会策划;s products have obtained various kinds of world design reward and acknowledge from consumer. 重庆杜拉是危机公关要的是速度与态维特洁具有限公司于2003年正式成立,主要从事杜拉维特产品在中国的生产和销售。2004年,杜拉维特中国市场及销售中心在上海成立,并建成覆盖全国主要城市的销售网络。 Chongqing Duravit Sanitarywar星级酒店危机公关e Co. Ltd., was established 出口流程顺序in 2003, specialized in producing and selling Duravit products through out China. In 2004, Duravit China Marketing & Sales Center was established in Shanghai, with the networking throughout the major cities in China. ![]() |