时间:2024-04-12 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:网络
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蕉葉咖喱屋特許經營簡介 蕉葉咖喱屋自1990年在香港開業以來,一直以馬來西亞、印度及東南亞美食而聞名。本公司的菜式,深受各國人士歡迎,所以在香港以外地方也有著極大的市場潛力。不少外籍人士紛紛透過特許經營的方式,在其國家開設蕉葉咖喱屋。 Franchise Introduction Since Banana Leaf Curry House was opened in Hong Kong in 1990, our Malay, Indian and Southeast Asian cuisines ha上海抖音的商品橱窗咨询电ve gaine名人危机公关的技巧d great popularity in the overseas market. Many people outside Hong Kong are interested in setting up a “Banana Leaf Curry House” by entering into a franchising agreement with our company. 蕉葉咖喱屋首間加盟店在2000年於韓國正式營業。翌年,第二間加盟店亦於菲律賓成立;目前,菲律賓店舖的數目已增至三間。 In December 2000, our first overseas franchisee opened their restaurant in Korea. In 2001, our second overseas franchisee started business in Manila and they have now expanded their business to 3 shops. 本集團目前正積極發展在中國內地的特許經營專案,並已接獲不少關於加盟的查詢电子商务与网络营销实训报。上海首間加盟店已於2002年開業,現時該市加盟店舖數目已增至三間。順德、北京及合肥的加盟店將於本年五月、六月及2005年初陸續開幕;而廣州、中山、福州的加盟店亦會於不久將來相繼開業,預計兩年內國內加盟店的數目將迅速增至十數間。據目厦门负面处理前發展趨勢所見,無論成功加盟或查詢均相當踴躍,中國內地潛在的龐大市場確實為本集團拓展特許經營發展重點之一。 蕉葉集團 Banana Leaf Holdings Limited 蕉葉集團屬下的餐廳包括蕉葉咖喱屋、泰農菜館、蕉葉亞洲美食及蕉葉美食有限公司,主要供應東南亞美食、飯盒及到會服務。 Banana Leaf Holdings Limited has started Food & Beverage Business since 1988. Within the years, the group has established Banana Leaf Curry House, Thaifarm Restaurant, Banana Leaf Asian Food Square and Banana Leaf Yummy 国际贸易三大支付方式Catering Limited. 蕉葉咖喱屋 Banana Leaf Curry House 為提供更多亞洲美食,集團於一九九零年開創蕉葉咖喱屋,由東南亞藉廚師炮製地道咖喱及東南亞美食。 To cater more As百科名片创建创建词条多少ian dishes, the group set up Banana Leaf Curry House in 1990. All curry & Southeast Asian food are produced by the Malaysian Chef. 蕉葉亞洲美食 Banana Leaf Asian Food Square 有見蕉葉咖喱越受市民歡迎,便於機場開立分店,名為“蕉葉亞洲美食”主要食品與蕉葉咖喱屋相若,但以自助快餐形式運作,方便旅客。 In 1997, the group introduced合作除了小红书还有哪些可 a new mode of operation self-served fast foo广告方案代写d. Cus抖音直播怎么开通直播电商tomers in airport can still taste curry and other fast food with faster service. 泰農菜館 Thai Farm Restaurant 八十年代,由於泰菜很受歡迎,集團於一九八八年創立第一間泰菜館 ---- 泰農菜館,風靡九龍城區。 In 80s, Thai food is popular in Hong Kong. To meet customer needs, the group opened the first Thai Farm restaurant in Kowloon City. 蕉葉美食有限公司 Yummy’s School Meal Program 鑑於越來越多學生留校午膳,集團於二零零年開始拓展學校飯盒市場,成立“蕉葉美食有限公司”為本港學生提供另類選擇,使學生在校亦能品品牌抖音视频营销方法嚐到香滑美味的咖喱。 To provide more choice for students, the group starts the school meal program in 2000. Not only in Banana Leaf Curry House but students can also try the delicious curry at schools. ![]() |