
时间:2021-07-15 | 标签: | 作者:Q8 | 来源:任小姐网络


< ">PayPal应该是所有支付渠道里面对卖家最好的,遇到争议,卖家只要提供合理的资料,胜算是极大的(我目前PayPal内部争议没有输过,除了两个case,我错过提交资料的截止日期了)。

< ">PayPal争议分为三种,< color: rgb(247, 150, 70);">一是用户留言,二是PayPal内部争议,三是PayPal信用卡争议(外部争议,需要信用卡发卡行来处理)。这三种争议处理难度是递增的,前两个争议只要是按时发货(甚至不按时,只要发货)都是极大胜率。第三个就很难说了,因为不是PayPal处理,而是由PayPal提交给银行,所以这个胜率较低。

< ">一 用户留言怎么处理?

< ">首先,关于用户留言这种case想要胜,有两种方式:1)用户主动结束这个case,2)到了截止日期用户没有回复,PP也会默认案件结束。其实很多人不知道< color: rgb(247, 150, 70);">只要用户一直不回复也是可以胜的,所以处理的时候千万别主动把这种case升级为争议。

< ">如果用户留言是“物品未收到”,简单的方式就是提交追踪信息然后回复用户。这里有一个小技巧,防止用户把事件升级成争议。在PayPal回复之后,< color: rgb(247, 150, 70);">一定要用户发一封邮件,引导用户在邮件里和你沟通,这样用户很大可能不去PayPal和你聊天了,从而错过回复的截止日期。

< ">二 PayPal内部争议怎么处理?

< ">内部争议一般有三种:物品未收到、物品与描述明显不符、未经授权的交易。接下来分别说一下需要提交哪些材料可以保证胜率。

< ">1.物品未收到

< ">提交资料:< color: rgb(247, 150, 70);">发货证明、shopify订单信息、物流公司追踪信息(如果有转单号,请提供每一程的物流公司的追踪信息)、物流信息说明文档。所有文档需要做成pdf。物流说明信息的模版如下:

< ">Hi,Sir.

< ">Due to the epidemic spread,international logistics has been greatly affected.We have arranged the delivery of goods in the warehouse as soon as we receive the user's order.However,the time-consuming of waiting for the express information to go online,the package to accept customs security inspection,and the package to wait for the flight after being delivered to the airline is much longer than before.Therefore,our logistics timeliness has been greatly affected.

< ">In view of this situation,we have explained it in the delivery policy of the website,as well as in the product sales page,and gave the prompt to the user as soon as the user placed the order.At the same time,we also added more customer service staff to do better communication with customers,hoping to provide satisfactory services for users.

< ">The order tracking

< ">Note:

< ">1)VR205022895YP is tracking number of our logistics service provider,Yanwen.2)LY149918388CN is the tracking numbe正规电商运营r of USPS,that is the partner of Yanwen for delivery in the US.3)Both of them are the tracking numbers of the parcel.

< ">2.物品与描述明显不符

< ">这种情况一般是货不对版或者是寄漏了某些产品。< color: rgb(247, 150, 70);">只要同意用户退货给我们仓库,然后发放全额退款就行。

< ">PP非常好的一点是,用户要想拿到退款必须退货,而且必须填运单号,等运单号追踪信息显示妥投之后,款才会退给用户。一般我提交我们的仓库信息(地址中国仓库),用户都不会再纠结了,然后case自动结束。用户不会真的把产品寄回中国,运费太贵了。但是也有一些老外还挺精的,我有一个用户竟然把我当时发货的追踪信息填上来了,所以一上来就显示妥投,这种情况请赶快联系PayPal客服,一般1-3个工作日就能解决,当然是判用户败诉。

< ">3.未经授权的交易

< ">提交的资料:< color: rgb(247, 150, 70);">发货证明、shopify订单信息、物流公司追踪信息(如果有转单号,请提供每一程的物流公司的追踪信息)、订单信息说明文档。所有文档需要做成pdf。订单信息说明信息的模版如下:

< ">Hi,when the buyer purchased the order on xx/xx/2020(date),order confirmation email was sent to xxx(buyer name)(his email address).And on xx/xx/2020 our system sent a shipping confirmation email to xx舆情监测报价x(buyer name)(his email address).After receiving these two emails,the buyer didn't say anything to refuse this order,and we sent all of info step by step according to purchase process,so we think the buyer accepted this payment.

< ">But now after one month later,the buyer said that this was an unauthorized transaction,we think this is not reasonable.

< ">Due to the epidemic spread,international logistics has been greatly affected.We have arranged the delivery of goods in the warehouse as soon as we receive the user's order.However,the time-consuming of waiting for the express information to go online,the package to accept customs security inspection,and the package to wait for the flight after being delivered to the airline is much longer than before.Therefore,our logistics timeliness has been greatly affected.In view of this situation,we have explained it in the delivery policy of the website,as well as in the product sales page,and gave the prompt to the user as soon as the user placed the order.At the same time,we also added more customer service staff to do better communication with customers,hoping to provide satisfactory services for users.

< ">The Latest order tracking

< ">Note:

< ">1)VR205022017YP is tracking number of our logistics service provider,Yanwen.2)LY150079363CN is the tracking number of USPS,that is the partner of Yanwen for delivery in the US.3)Both of them are the tracking numbers of the parcel.

< ">未经授权的交易非常好赢,只要按照我的模板,几乎是提交资料后1-2工作日就能出结果。

< ">三 PayPal信用卡争议怎么处理?

< ">其实PP信用卡争议提交的资料和内部争议是一样的。但是由于是外部银行审核,所以胜率不高。

< ">我建议是< color: rgb(247, 150, 70);">一旦发现有信用卡争议,第一时间发邮件给用户,英语好的同学可以直接打电话给用户,给用户适当的补偿引导用户取消退单。可以和用户说:银行处理退单一般3-4个月,时间非常长,而且我们有充足的资料,一旦用户败诉会有损用户的信誉。那么如果用户取消退单,我们可以马上补偿xx金额,或者再给用户补发一个新品。

< ">这封邮件也要截图,提交给PP,说明我们有积极和用户沟通。

< ">关于PP信用卡争议处理费用是$10,无论输赢都会被PP收取$10的费用。

< ">另外,信用卡争议如果错过了截止时间,是可以给客服发邮件补充材料的。但是PP内部争议不可以。






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